Manifesting the Holy Ghost by Rodney M. Howard-Browne [Summary]

Main Summary: In Manifesting the Holy Ghost, Rodney M. Howard-Browne challenges Christians to focus on the power of Jesus instead of the devil’s influence. He emphasizes the importance of worshiping God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to cause the devil to leave. He also discusses the three phases that every person goes through after being born again and how God wants to work in and change us every day of our lives to manifest Himself through us.

Manifesting the Holy Ghost by Rodney M. Howard-Browne - book cover

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. God’s Expectations Toward Us
2. Manifesting the Holy Ghost “To You”
3. Manifesting The Holy Ghost “In You”
4. Manifesting The Holy Ghost “Through You”

God’s Expectations Toward Us

It is no doubt that Jesus came to Earth to destroy the works of the devil. However, according to the author, many Christians still focus on the devil’s power and weakness instead of the power of Jesus.

The author refers to these Christians as “spiritual space cadets” who constantly talk about the devil’s influence in their lives. The author believes that there isn’t enough power of the devil to stop the power of God from manifesting inside the church.

He stresses that the focus should be on worshiping and talking about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, which will cause the devil to leave.

The author emphasizes that as a Christian you are not here by accident or just to sit in church. You have a divine mission and purpose to enforce the defeat of the devil on Earth. In other words to manifest the Holy Spirit.

He states that Jesus is exalted and wants to manifest himself in our midst. But then the Church needs to move towards God, and He is waiting for the Church to allow Him to bring revival.

The author challenges Christians to be positive, and open-minded, and allow God to move in their lives. They should not be waiting for God, but instead, they need to let Him move every time they come together. The glory of God should be seen every time Christians come together.

As the author says, “For this purpose you and I are manifested, that we might enforce his defeat in the earth.” Christians have a divine purpose to enforce the defeat of the devil and you should focus on the power of Jesus instead of the devil’s influence

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Manifesting the Holy Spirit “To You”

There are three phases that every person goes through after being born again. In the first phase, according to the author, God comes and manifests Himself to you, and you experience a radical change.

The author notes that this change is visible to others, and you know that you have passed from death to life. However, the change is a continuous process, and it takes time. He notes that “Wet blankets may try to discourage new believers, but they need to regain the joy of their salvation.”

The author emphasizes that at this place, unfortunately, many Christians’ hearts become hardened, but God wants to make His children tender and soft again.

When God walks in, there is a change. The author warns that If you’re not careful, you can rest on what God has done for you in the past and think you’ve arrived. But that’s just the beginning, and there are adventures every day in the Holy Spirit.

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Manifesting The Holy Spirit “In You”

The second phase of a Christian’s walk, according to the author, is when God manifests Himself in you, and it is a constant process.

He notes that although you may have been filled with the Holy Spirit today, you can lose it tomorrow if you’re not careful. Negative people can cause you to lose the power of God in your life, so it’s essential according to the author to surround yourself with people who are full of the Spirit of God.

The author talks about the benefits of growing up in a Spirit-filled home and how spiritual hunger triggers revival. He encourages you to become as hungry and thirsty for God as a man walking through a desert for three days. When you become so hungry and thirsty for God that nothing else matters,

He notes that it is at this point that God will come and touch you. The author emphasizes that God doesn’t have any favorite children and that having a hungry and thirsty heart will cause God to come and touch you over anyone else.

Manifesting the Holy Ghost by Rodney M. Howard-Browne - post quote

Manifesting The Holy Spirit “Through You”

God wants to work in and change you every day of your life. This according to the author will help Him manifest Himself through you. The more God changes you, the more He can work through you.

However, the author notes that you have a responsibility for this. You must want God to change you and be different. He suggests getting saturated with the Holy Spirit and staying under His anointing.

You should allow God to work on you until He is finished. He notes that Falling under God’s power, by itself does not mean you are receiving from God. Yielding to the Spirit of God is what is important.

In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of focusing on the power of Jesus instead of the influence of the devil. He challenges you to have a positive, open-minded attitude, allowing God to move in your life if you must  manifest the Holy Spirit. He also stresses the need for continuous change and growth in the Holy Spirit, and the importance of staying under His anointing to fulfill your divine mission and purpose. He reminds you of your responsibility to enforce the defeat of the devil on Earth and to allow God to bring revival.

Finally, here is a question we’ll love you to answer.

According to the author, what is required to allow God to work in and change you every day of your life, and why is it important?

We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.

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