Anointing For Breakthrough by Bishop David Oyedepo pic post

Anointing For Breakthrough By David Oyedepo [Summary]

Main Summary: Anointing for Breakthrough by Dr. David Oyedepo exposes the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. With emphasis is stresses the difference between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Walking in the Anointing. It defines what the Anointing of the Holy Spirit is; how to receive it and how it works. Stressing the need of every believer to stir it up and how you can receive or be a transponder to others in need.

Anointing For Breakthrough by Bishop David Oyedepo_book cover

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post

1. The Holy Spirit’s assignment in You
2. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Anointing—Differences
3. Using the Anointing
4. Receiving and growing in the Anointing
5. How to Stir the Anointing in you
6. How to receive or transfer the Anointing from or to another vessel

The Anointing is not what makes the difference, in a believer’s life—it is the DIFFERENCE. The good news is that walking in the Anointing is available to every believer. However, do you know what it is? Do you know how to stir it up? Do you know how to engage it to live a life of open triumphs? Are you living a life of breakthroughs?

The Holy Spirit’s Assignment in You

The Holy Spirit is a person. Sent to everyone who believes with a divine mandate or assignment. Amongst many of His assignments in your life. Is His ministry of Comfort. So He is called The Comforter.

His primary mission in you is to make you comfortable. He is here to reveal the Sonship of the Sons of God.

He continually sheds the love of God in the hearts of God’s children. With the love of God at work in your heart, flowing in ceaseless praise becomes an addiction that guarantees the ever-abiding presence of God in your life and powers the Anointing.

He is the source of the Anointing, that provokes favor, joy, love, and praise all around your life.

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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Anointing—Differences

The Anointing is not in feeling or speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is the biblical proof of the baptism of the Holy Spirit; not the carriage of Power or the Anointing.

You should desire the power dimension of the Holy Spirit and not just be satisfied with speaking with tongues.

The Anointing is a divine enabling. The outflow of the Holy Spirit through a human vessel.

There are three levels of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.

• The Well Level John 4

This level is initiated when you are born again. Wells are often than not subject to seasons. They can dry up when there isn’t rainfall. So also, your being on fire and operating in power may be affected by challenges.

• The River Level

This level is released when you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. As found in John 7:37,38. It is higher than the well level and not easily subjected to dryness. However, without the constant fall of rain, a river can be relegated to becoming a stream or a swamp.

• The Rain Level

The rain level is the level of the Anointing. It stands for the continuous increase of the volume of the water in your river.

As the volume of water in a river, determines the functions the river can be used for; so also, the level of anointing in a man determines the number of people he can carry along. It will determine the kinds and levels of breakthrough you’ll experience.

heal from a wheelchair_post on anointing for Breakthrough y bishop david oyedapo

Using The Anointing

The Anointing is for performance not for decoration. Lack of use will lead to decay; while constant and active use will result in its maturity.

Love is very important in the use of the Anointing. The degree of the Anointing you will experience in your prayers and ministration is to the degree of love you have for those you are praying for or ministering to.

You cannot be more Anointed that the level of your righteousness (right standing). Even so, you can only be anointed to the degree of the love of God at work in you.

The Anointing has its root in the word. The level of Revelation you operate affects the Anointing you can operate in. The Holy Spirit resting upon the word of God in you is what produces strength and power in you.

The Anointing cannot function in an atmosphere of fear and doubts. This is why the devil is ofter and always after your confidence in God.

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As believers, our confidence is rooted in the following.

• Righteousness
• God abiding presence
• The name of Jesus
• The voice of God

With the Anointing at work in you, victory is sure in any battle of life as long as you possess the weapons of Fearlessness and Divine Instruction.

quote from anointing for Breakthrough by Bishop David Oyedepo

Receiving and Growing in the Anointing

If you must walk in the Anointing. You must first be born again. This is what qualifies you to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in new tongues.

After that, your level of thirst is the legal tender for the continuous release of power in God’s kingdom. Not how much you own or your level of education.

Your consistent thirst and desire for replenishment are what register you for refilling. Even though Fasting is an uncompromising element in your desire for the Anointing. Fasting without the intake of the word or spending time in prayers is a waste. As it amounts to just a hunger strike or dieting.

Like salvation, the Anointing is available to everyone in the kingdom who cares enough to do or meet the demands for it. God doesn’t anoint the lazy, rather he anoints the weak who have realized their need for him.

The kingdom of God is not in church attendance, or prayer, or fasting, or tithing, or cell membership alone. If all these things don’t culminate in power, then they don’t mean anything at all.

How To Stir The Anointing In You

1. Giving Thanks and Singing Praise

Praise is God’s natural habitat. Every time we praise him, his presence comes to back the Anointing up. Praise facilitates the release of fresh oil upon you as well.

2. Testimonies

To maintain the flow of the Anointing, you must be a testifier of the goodness of God in your life and ministry. With this, he is committed to keeping giving you fresh reasons to testify.

3. Fasting

Fasting is ordained of God for growing in power and causing the rain to fall continually. When this is done in love it brings an unusual flow of God’s anointing upon your life. However, you must be mindful also of the Holy Spirit’s instruction to fast when prompted to. This is apart from living a scheduled life of regular prayer and fasting.

4. The Word

Every fresh revelation from the word usually brings about the release of power. The word carries yoke-breaking anointing. Applying the word in all areas of life, business, health, finances, and in your spiritual life guarantees all-around victory.

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How To Receive Or Transfer the Anointing From Or To Another Vessel

The anointing is transferable. However, there are mediums through which the Anointing flows.

1. Personal touch as seen with the woman with the issue of blood.
2. Listening to Anointed ministers of God.
3. Through the engagement of Master to servant relationship
4. Through laying of hands
5. Through the use of the Anointing oil.
6. Through Anointed materials
7. Prophetic word from the one who is the carrier.

In conclusion, the days we live in are strange times. Living your life to chance will leave you no chance. We have looked at the Holy Spirit as the source of all comfort and the Anointing. Which he releases to those who are thirsty and have realized their need of him. Not to keep but to serve with, as you continue to stir and share.

Finally, here’s my question for you.

The anointing is as free as Salvation is. Can you say you are Anointed now and are walking in the blessings of the Anointing? If not, what are the challenges you are experiencing in growing your level of anointing?

I will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.

This book is available on various online book stores, and bookshop outlets near you. Please get it and READ it for your growth in the knowledge of God.

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