Main Summary: The Laws of Prosperity by Kenneth Copeland highlights and explains the spiritual concept of prosperity and the laws that must be imbibed to make it a reality. It reiterates God’s provision to meet your needs and how they can be met. The book contains the authors’ practical guide on receiving from God and ends with some hindrances to financial prosperity.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post
1. What is Prosperity
2. Physical laws, Spiritual laws, and Faith
3. God’s Provision For Meeting Your Needs
4. How These Needs Are Met
5. Guides To Receiving From Giving in Any Area
6. Hindrances to Financial Prosperity.
Prosperity is God’s will for all His children. However, few of God’s children have come to this place of true prosperity (Having in all-sufficiency). You probably know that it takes giving to receive. But is your faith working in this area as it should? This is why this book review is no joke.
What is Prosperity
True prosperity according to the author, is the ability to use God’s power to meet the needs of man in any sphere of life.
It is first an issue of the mind. Until you prosper in your mind, you can’t prosper outwardly. Knowledge alone doesn’t make you prosperous in your mind. Rather, the prosperity of your mind is accomplished when you can put to use the knowledge you have gained.
Simply, the prosperity of the mind is accomplished when you are in charge or in control of your mind, instead of your mind controlling you. For this to happen, you need the word of God richly operating in you to control your mind and will.
The word of God is what brings together all forms of prosperity, such as in health, finances, marriage, etc., and guarantees that they work.
So a man can be said to be prosperous on any issue when his will lines up with God’s will.
Also Read How God Taught Me About Prosperity by Kenneth Hagin [Summary]
Physical Laws, Spiritual Laws, and Faith
The spiritual world and its laws are higher than this physical world and its laws. The physical world was formed from spiritual laws, and the world and all the forces at work in it were created by the power of Faith—which is a spiritual force.
The laws of Prosperity work the same as the law of Salvation, Healing, etc. More so, just as it takes Faith to receive salvation or healing so also it takes Faith to prosper. Faith is a spiritual Force and prosperity is more spiritual than it is physical or carnal.
God’s system of finance is different from man’s system of finance. Meanwhile, God says don’t borrow and get it from me, man’s system says borrow to meet your needs.
Borrowing is controlled by the world’s system. According to God’s word, it makes you a subordinate to another person; “for the borrower is servant to the lender…”. It makes you bow the knee to another as your source of supply, instead of God.
According to the author following the laws of God in financial prosperity puts you above the operations of the world’s system. The laws of the spirit subject to natural laws, and the word of God works in this natural world.
Invariably, the author stressed that your word level is directly proportional to your Faith level. When you engage the power of the word of God by Faith even in financial prosperity Satan is finished—he has nothing to do.

God’s Provision For Meeting Your Needs
God is not limited to meeting your needs through your job, except you limit him do it. Even Abraham, who was the first to receive the Covenant was not a preacher and God blessed him. As some think that only servants of God can be blessed through the covenant because they have access to people.
Every time there was a need in scriptures, no matter what the need was God had a man somewhere who had the resources spiritually, mentally, and physically, to meet that need. As men what God demands of us is that we become the channels through which these resources can flow to others.
He is the one who gives the power to get wealth to establish his Covenant. We are only stewards and when we take our place as stewards of his resources he ensures that these resources never run dry.
God’s provision to meet your need is in his word. According to the author; you must give attendance to the study of the word of God. This can be done by digging deep, running references, and meditating on God’s word.
Meditation, which is most neglected involves pondering on the word over some time, to gain more understanding. It is part of the system for financial prosperity which cannot be ignored.
The entire system of finance must be observed for your faith to work. You cannot be a giver and then not expect a harvest. Like a farmer who goes to sow and then doesn’t look out for harvest.
Also Read God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland [Summary]
How God Meets Your Needs
First, you must understand according to the author that all the money or resources needed are already on the Earth. Giving, as a Spiritual act permits the heavens to declare a certain portion of earth’s goods as yours. So that when you call for it, it comes to you. And no force of Hell can keep it from coming to you, anytime you stand in faith to call for it.
There are four major areas you can engage as a believer in making deposits in heaven.
• Tithing
• Giving to the poor
• Investing in the gospel
• Giving as a praise offering to the lord
When you tithe you receive from God above, but when you give to men, men give into your bosom.
When calling for a need to be met you need someone to stand in agreement with you. The most ideal of persons, in this case, is your spouse. Someone who will not relent but stand firm. However, in a case where you don’t have a spouse yet, you can ask another believer to stand in agreement with you.
According to the author; it is easy to agree on the fact that something is yours when you have already made a deposit for it. You cannot be confident to claim a portion of what you haven’t sown.
Withdrawals from heaven are accomplished through the power of;
• Agreement
• Confession
• Standing expectantly on God’s word
You are to confess what you desire to come to pass; for example “I have it now; I can see it through the eyes of faith; I believe that I receive.”
Sometimes it comes instantly, sometimes it comes after several confessions, but it will come if you stand on God’s word. Standing on God’s word to see your faith produce causes you to grow in faith and power.
According to the author God is obligated to meeting your needs because of his word—not because of your righteousness or lack of it—but because of his covenant established in Christ.
Guides For Receiving From Giving In Any Area
1. Decide on the amount you need. Don’t cheat yourself God is not a skinflint. After deciding, stay on it and don’t be double-minded.
2. Get in agreement with someone according to Matthew 10:19. The best and most powerful person will be your spouse. But if not possible in your situation you can get together with another believer.
3. Lay hold On It by Faith, by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth according to Mark 11:23, 24.
4. Bind the devil and his forces in the name of Jesus. It is your responsibility to do this, don’t ask God to do it for you.
5. Lose heavens forces (angels) by using the word of God in the name of Jesus. They are obligated to follow your command when you engage the word in the name of Jesus.
6. Praise God for the answers. Praise keeps the channel between you and God open and clear for receiving your request.
Also Read Developing Your Devotional Life By Peter Tan [Summary]
Hindrances To Financial Prosperity
Strife is a lack of love, and faith only works by love. In the authors’ words, “Strive is a worldly luxury Believers can’t afford.” Without love, your giving will be of no profit at all.
You must do away with strife from your heart, and hard feelings against the government or leaders. God’s word commands us to pray for them.
Also, he stated that if you can’t agree with someone on an issue, you can find out what you can agree with them. Love them and pray for them, it will keep you away from criticizing and backbiting.
In conclusion, the author through this book has shown us that prosperity can be a reality for everyone. Only if you would engage the laws of prosperity and apply them by faith following God’s method of meeting your needs. He also left us with his personal guide for receiving when you give, so apply it.
Finally, here’s my question for you.
How much do you want to prosper? And did you find this summary helpful?
I will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.
This book is available on various online book stores, and bookshop outlets near you. Please get it and READ it for your growth in the knowledge of God.
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Wonderful review, keep it up Josiah