Main Summary: God’s Will is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland gives a sum of the most basic needs you must be acquainted with to prosper as a believer. It begins with proof that God wants you to prosper and how real it is your covenant right, just like other benefits of salvation. In it you’ll find the possibility of reaping as much as the hundredfold blessings; hindrances to receiving and how to position yourself for God’s best. Not to forget how you can get angels involved with God’s prosperity will and putting the devil where he belongs to prosper.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post
1. It’s God’s will to Prosper you
2. Your Covenant right to Prosperity
3. Serving God the Essence for God’s Prosperity Plan
4. Comparing Prosperity with other Covenant based Promises
5. The Word and The Hundredfold Return
6. How to Receive from God
7. Engaging The Ministry of Angels in Receiving
8. The Force of Patience When mixed With Faith
9. Overcoming Satan’s Tricks
We are always going to have the poor amongst us—Jesus said it, and so that makes it true. However, it doesn’t have to be you or me either, because he also came poor so that you might become rich. What does this amount to? Your choice, it will take your choice in this matter, to find out how God wants to prosper you and fall in line.
It’s God’s Will To Prosper You
The truth is, it is God’s will that you prosper. According to the author, it doesn’t matter what your experience is maybe about these for what you have been told either or how many times you have tried and it hasn’t worked for you.
If the word of God says it is God’s will that you prosper, then that settles it. The word of God gives us this assurance, but you don’t just get it because the word says it. It is only accessible by faith—and Faith only begins when the will of God is known.
The author noted that Abraham to whom the covenant was initiated with did not receive the promise because of what he did. Rather he received the promise by believing in God.
Therefore if the seed of Abraham, will share in the promise of Abraham, then they must share in his faith.
Also Read How God Taught Me About Prosperity by Kenneth Hagin [Summary]
Your Covenant Right To Prosperity
According to the author, the laws of Moses were instituted by God to meet the needs of Abraham’s seed, until the messiah came. Which is Christ, unto whom the promise was made.
The blessings attached to the covenant, are so valid that they cannot be stopped in the life of an heir of Abraham as long as he keeps the covenant—in obeying God and believing in his ability to perform.
Jesus’s coming was to fulfill the promise made to Abraham and the new covenant ratified in his blood fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham.
The old covenant was not enough for it had the power to bless but not change men’s hearts. But the new covenant in Christ both has the power to prosper and change men’s hearts Gal 3:21.
In the authors’ words Deu 8:17,18 God gave covenant men the power to get wealth, which was very necessary to establish the covenant. Part of the deal God made with Abraham was to prosper his seed after him in every generation.
Heirs don’t work to inherit their inheritance, they receive it—it’s an allotment. This makes it so glaring that as heirs to the blessings of Abraham we have been living short of our covenant rights.
In the authors’ words, ‘your inheritance is not a limited sum of money or a piece of real estate.’ Your inheritance is God Himself. You have inherited God’s resources in power and ability to establish your success on the earth.

Serving God The Essence For God’s Prosperity Plan
God is not against a man having money, the author stated. Rather he is against money having the man. God did not leave us guessing as to what we should do.
He specifically spelled out his priority for man, stating that; ‘man’s aim should be first to seek his Kingdom and his way of doing things, to have other things including prosperity added to him.’
Believing the word on just prosperity will not make you prosper if your motive is not to serve God and his interest with it. If your affection is set after wealth and riches instead of God, the word becomes u fruitful in your life.
The love or lust for money is a tool in the devil’s hand to make the word of God unfruitful in your life.
The prove that that man is rich towards God is that he would rather give or be always ready to distribute as the Lord commands him than hoard money. He trusts in God rather than in man’s riches to put him over.
For such a man, money isn’t his master but rather his servant. He doesn’t try to reason or find out how God will meet his needs, instead, he believes in God as all-sufficient.
In the author’s words, ‘you begin to seek God’s kingdom by giving yourself to learning and obeying God’s word—giving the word first place.
Also Read The Laws of Prosperity by Kenneth Copeland [Summary]
Comparing Prosperity With Other Covenant Based Promises
According to the author, we have failed to treat prosperity as we treat sickness. In her own case, she was violent against any symptom of sickness, and so have always walked in divine health.
On the other hand, when it came to lack or when we noticed its symptoms, we permit it to stay; we tolerate it.
You should refuse lack just as quickly as you refuse sickness. Jesus bore the curse of poverty when he bore the curse of sickness as well.
You should always have enough. According to the author; if you don’t have enough to get by, or even to invest in God’s work, then that spells poverty—you must resist it.
Make up your mind to live in prosperity and abundance, when you made up your mind to make Jesus Lord of your life—where was the devil. He couldn’t do a thing about it.
So also he can’t stop you when you make up your mind to prosper. The word is your source of prosperity, just as it is the source of healing.
Treat a y symptom of lack, just as you would treat a symptom of sickness, by taking authority over it. In the authors’ example;
You say ‘Lack I resist in the name of Jesus. I command you to flee from me, for I have been redeemed from the curse of lack. I will not tolerate you in my life. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I take authority over the money I need (calling the specific amount) I command you to come to me now in Jesus’ name. Ministering spirits you go and cause it to come Now.’
The Word And The Hundredfold Return
In the word lies the assurance of the hundredfold return with persecution. This means, Satan will try to tempt you but he had no power over you.
If the word says it, then it cannot be revoked. These things however will only come if you take scriptures on prosperity and meditate on them until they become a reality in your heart.
The word produces in proportion to how much you hear, receive, and bring forth fruits. The force of faith can only be released by the word of God and the confession of your mouth.
The hundredfold return on all your giving already belongs to you, but lack of diligence in confessing the word and releasing your faith can permit you to only receive a partial return.
In the hundredfold returns, your level of giving doesn’t reduce or affect your level of receiving. It doesn’t matter how bountiful you give, the same hundredfold returns are guaranteed to come to you.
However, according to the author, this truth will only work for you to the level you have permitted it to be a reality in your heart through God’s word.
How to Receive from God and Hindrances To Receiving.
Receiving from God begins with your choice in keeping his word in your mouth. But until you have stored up the word in your heart, you can’t speak it with your mouth.
Meditation is the spiritual tool for digesting the word and making it a reality in your heart. When the word in your heart is combined with the force of your mouth, it produces a doing of the word.
The author warns to be careful of dwelling in the zone of just agreeing with the word—called mental accent. Mental accent merely agrees with the word but lacks the power to do it or take the necessary action of faith.
Therefore, when going to God in prayers, you don’t go to him with your problems. Instead, you go to God with the answers, using scriptures as lead by his Spirit. This means that your heart must be filled with the word of God that gives you consistency in speaking without wavering.
If then you lack the knowledge of God’s word in you it will hinder your ability to receive from God.
Engaging The Ministry of Angels in Receiving
Angels are God’s agents, sent to see to it that God’s word is fulfilled on the earth.
They are only obligated to respond to God’s word. It is speaking God’s word based on what you desire from God, according to the author; that puts your angels to work consistently.
You must note that your last words are the controlling factor, for angelic ministration. According to the author, if you stayed true to your confession of faith on an issue for 5 years, 3 months, and 11 days, and on the 12th day speak words contrary to your desire. Your u automatically de-mobilize the ministry of angels at work for you.
However, you can change your words, by immediately taking authority over the wrong words you may have uttered. For example; You should say ‘ in the name of Jesus, I rebuke that bad confession and I render it powerless to come to pass now’.
Angels are under obligation to respond to your words, but your consistency or inconsistency will either mobilize or immobilize them.
Also Read Conquering Controlling Powers by David Oyedepo [Summary]
The Force of Patience When Mixed With Faith
The Bible doesn’t specify how long to stand in faith for your desires to be met, but it says to stand even after doing all to stand.
This is where the virtue of patience has its power. Patience is a working force, just like faith is. It comes to play when your faith has a tendency to waver.
Patience cannot function without faith. Without faith, patience has no substance to aid. But with patience, the force of faith is sustained with your confession and actions until it delivers its expectation.
Patience keeps faiths focus on God’s Word, as the temptation may arise to cause your stand in faith to waver. These temptations only come when you are drawn away from God’s word into the world by a desire that is inconsistent with God’s will.
The goal of the enemy in this is to cause you to fail in your words. Satan wants your words, his success lies in deceiving you into speaking words that will stop your faith.
Overcoming Satan’s Tricks
Satan, like is seen in the story of the sowing farmer, is the one who corrupts the seed of the word and does all it takes to ensure the word doesn’t produce.
He has a few ways he does this;
• He talks you out of the word
• He ensures the word never has root in your heart
• He confiscates your heart with the cares and anxieties of this world
• He blinds you with the fantasy of pleasure and delight
• He fills you with cravings and passion for things other than God to choke the word of God in you.
With God’s word choked out of your heart, you cannot but waver at the promises of God. And like the word says; ‘let him that wavereth not think he would receive anything from God.’
How then can you be victorious?
1. You must not allow the devil to change your confession of faith ( that you believed you received when you prayed)
• You must decide ( and action of your wheel) that you will speak in faith knowing that God’s word is true.
• The wheel is different from desire. To desire is to want something and the wheel is to determine to receive something.
2. Resist the devil. This is done by the words of your mouth. You must resist the Devil in the name of Jesus. Satan can only do what you say
• You must resist the devil quickly and avoid worrying; it’s another way of meditating but this time on Satan’s words.
3. Give utmost attention to God’s word.
4. Refuse to speak words contrary to what you believe you have received.
5. Don’t wait to resist the devil the earlier the easier. The longer you wait to exercise authority the more deeply you give Satan room in your affairs.
6. Never give room for self-pity. God has done more than enough to put you over the devil
When you prove to the devil enough times that you will not compromise God’s word you stay out of your way on that subject because he is a creature of Pride.
As I conclude, we have seen that it is God’s will for you to prosper. Once you are in the covenant accomplished in Christ and are determined to serve the Lord; putting the forces of the word, ministering angels, and Faith, to work you are in line for prosperity. Not forgetting you must exercise spiritual Wisdom and authority against the devil at all times.
Finally, here’s my question for you.
How often do you resist the devil on your covenant right to prosper?
I will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.
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