Main Summary: How God Taught Me About Prosperity by Kenneth Hagin is a short piece that narrates the authors’ practical encounter with God when he took time out to seek God on issues about the financial health of his family. In this encounter, he was taught and instructed by God on the cause of his financial situation and what to do to always have enough.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post
1. How Faith Works with Finances
2. Satan the god of this world
3. How to walk in financial liberty
Prosperity is your birthright in Christ. If you got saved because the word says to call on the name of the Lord, you can prosper if you do what the word also says about prosperity. It has always been about your capacity to receive what God is freely offering. With more understanding of this subject comes stronger faith to possess this your possession in Christ.
The following few lessons are a narrative of the author’s encounter with the Lord, as He was taught by the Lord.
How Faith Works with Finances
In the authors’ words, he had barely gone deep into his three days inquiry quest for answers to his family’s financial state after he left Pastoral ministry into his Evangelical ministry.
The Lord gave him answers, which he was ignorant about. The Lord said to him;
• Receiving healing by faith is not different from receiving finances by faith. Just as you would claim your healing by faith and go out publicly to announce you are healed, ignoring any symptoms. So also it is for your finances.
Before this, the author had enjoyed the manifestation of God’s healing power on his life by faith and had since taught it to many, including his wife and children who had experienced the same regarding their health.
He had understood greatly the workings of faith for healing, but not exercised the same in his finances. This revelation came as a shock, seeing he could have also enjoyed the benefits of God’s benevolent grace through faith for prosperity.
Also ReadThe Art of Intercession by Kenneth Hagin [Summary]
Satan: The god of this World
In this same encounter, the Lord began to teach the author why he wasn’t experiencing prosperity as he believed he should have.
The Lord continued;
• In the beginning, I made the entire earth and its fulness. I made the trees and their fruits for food. I made all the beast of the field and the bird of the air and the creatures in the sea. I made them all for my man—Adam.
• Adam was the god of the earth. He was in charge, he dominated over all things until he sold out his place to the devil through disobedience.
• I want you and my children to have the best places in town, I want my children to have the best halls of worship. I also want to meet your wants and not just needs, as you find in Psalms 23, and 34.
• Whatever you lack, I am not withholding from you or your family—the devil is. When Adam sold out to the devil, he became the God of this world.
• The money you need is not in heaven but on earth. From Luke 6:36, your givings cause MEN to give back to your bosom. Down there on earth the devil has the most control over the money you need, that’s why he is resisting your prosperity.

How To Walk In Financial Liberty
However, the Lord gave the author the basic principles on what to do to meet his needs or wants.
The Lord continued;
• Henceforth, don’t pray about money anymore, the way you’ve done before.
• Just claim whatever you need or want, saying; ‘Satan, take your hands off my money. I claim _______ (naming whatever you need or want). Then say, Go ministering spirits and cause the money to come.’
Ministering spirits are sent to serve you, according to Heb 1:14. They might as well be doing nothing if you don’t know to put them to work for you.
In the authors’ words, Satan himself doesn’t do every wicked thing, he is acclaimed for doing. He has demons who also do his bidding. So also angels can influence people to do good works.
The Lord continued:
• After claiming what you need or want, that should be the end of the matter. Don’t pray about it anymore and if thoughts about the situation come to mind, stay in faith, and just give thanks for it.
The author at this time of his life had walked in faith concerning health and was able to immediately put this revelation to work with proves.
Feeding youth faith with the word of God and continuous exercising of your faith in finances is what guarantees you the results of prosperity you already have in Christ.
A son or daughter, led by the spirit of God will do so much, if they prosper financially, so the devil is out to resist man (the believer) in this area because he has most of the control. However, your continued growth in faith strengthens your authority to take what’s already yours without deflecting or wavering.
Also Read God’s Will Is Prosperity by Gloria Copeland [Summary]
In conclusion, we have seen that just as it takes faith to be healed, it takes faith to prosper. The more faith you build the more unwavering you become in your expectation. We also have seen that the devil will stand to resist you in this area mostly, using his wiles to cause your words to change to defeat your faith. And lastly, you are responsible for building your faith to prosper.
Finally, here’s my question for you.
Have you placed an expectation of faith on a financial need before now that delivered?
I will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.
This book is available on various online book stores, and bookshop outlets near you. Please get it and READ it for your growth in the knowledge of God.
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