Main Summary: The Woman Question by Kenneth Hagin is a book that reveals the truth of God’s word, or Bible-based answers to 5 questions that have been widely misconceived about women and God’s word. Such as; silencing women in Church, proper women dressing, and more.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post
1) Is the Man the Head of the Woman?
2) Must Wives Always Obey Their Husbands?
3) Must Women Have Their Heads Covered in Church?
I am not a woman, but I cannot but feel the pain women have had to bear, due to a lack of understanding of the mind of God. Although 5 questions were answered in the book, I’ll be summarizing just 3 of them.
Is the Man the Head of the Woman?
According to the author, absolutely not!
A man may be the head of one woman, which is his wife; but not the head of all women. Christ is first the head of every man and woman. Except the woman is married to a husband.
In this misconception, some according to the author even think their wives shouldn’t pray to the father without them. But even with headship in place, women can go to God without consent from their spouse.
Headship is a call to more responsibility, and that is why it is bestowed higher authority.
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Must Wives Always Obey Their Husbands
The Bible says that women must honor their husbands and submit to them. However, no one will ever make it to God’s kingdom compromising with the devil in any way. Whether it is because your husband asked you to.
The husband is only the head of the wife, Christ is the Lord of both the husband and wife. A husband cannot counter any of the Lord’s commandment and the woman be expected to submit to it in defiance of her conscience.
The husband is not Lord of the wife, Christ is.
Must Women Have Their Heads Covered in Church?
This question is probably one of the most controversial.
According to the author, in Paul’s day, the customs were different from today. Wearing a veil was the way a virtuous wife or woman dressed. It was a custom not just for saints but for society.
Only immoral women dressed with their hair exposed or without a veil to cover their hair.
Women at that time did this to honor their husbands, it would be most dishonorable for a married woman to have her hair uncovered in public because only harlots dressed that way.
However today, it is not a custom in some parts of the world to have heads covered. Neither are women be considered harlots when they uncover their heads.
In our day, a woman does not appear to more modest if she wears a veil or covers her head in public.
In conclusion, we have said that the man is not the head of all women, but rather a man is head over his wife. We also saw that Jesus is Lord over the woman and as such can not compromise her faith in submission to her husband. And lastly, that covering the head for women was a custom that brought honor to men and is not a sin because true honor is of the heart.
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Apart from the 3 answers summarised above. In the book the questions below were answered;
• Must Women Keep Silence
in the Churches?
• Proper Dress and Adornment for Christian Women.
Finally, here’s my question for you.
Are you a woman? If yes, then this goes to you. Would you rather sin against your husband and obey God or sin against God and obey your husband?
I will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.
This book is available on various online book stores, and bookshop outlets near you. Please get it and READ it for your growth in the knowledge of God.
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