never give up by joyce mayer - feat. image

Never Give Up by Joyce Mayer [Summary]

Main Summary:Never Give Up by Joyce Meyer” is a motivational book encouraging perseverance through faith in God. It teaches overcoming obstacles, handling adversity, confronting fears, and staying committed to personal and spiritual growth. It emphasizes discipline, resilience, and trust in God’s plan for lasting success and fulfillment.

Never Give Up by Joyce Mayer - Book cover

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post 

  1. There is Always a Way
  2. Never Give Up on You
  3. Confronting Your Seven Areas of Fears
  4. Yes! It’ll Cost You
  5. Adversity is Inevitable
  6. Four Keys to Success 
  7. Overcoming the Obstacles to Success 
  8. Before Testimony Comes T-E-S-T 
  9. Before Pursuing Something New 
  10. Your Worst Enemies 
  11. Your Secret Weapons 
  12. Don’t Give Up on Your Future
  13. The Power of Hope 
  14. Work & Reward

There is Always a Way

  • Never say “no way”: Even when it seems impossible, there is always a way with God.
  • You may need to go around, over, under, or through obstacles, but persistence will lead to finding a solution.
  • Commit yourself to never give up, no matter how challenging the situation. Because you have God’s Spirit living inside you, who knows the way forward.
  • Many health issues are stress-related or due to poor self-care. Make lifestyle changes to improve your health.
  • Focus on health, finances, and family as key areas worth fighting for in overcoming life’s challenges.
  • Take care of your body: Eat healthily, stay hydrated, get enough rest, and exercise regularly to improve energy and well-being.
  • Financial freedom is possible with discipline and good planning. Use resources to get out of debt, make investments, and save for the future.
  • Stay hopeful and persistent in believing for positive changes in your loved ones’. Your faithfulness and love may lead to their breakthrough.
  • Miracles don’t always come at the finish line; they come when you show up with obedience and commitment.
  • Refuse to give up on any legitimate goal, no matter how challenging it may seem. Whether it’s a small task or a big challenge, set a goal and work with determination to achieve it.
  • Seek God-given determination, not just willpower, to overcome obstacles and succeed. Pray for discipline and diligence in every area of life.
  • Use the SMART method for goal-setting:
    • Specific: Be clear about your goal.
    • Measurable: Track progress to stay on course.
    • Attainable: Set achievable goals, avoiding unrealistic expectations.
    • Realistic: Consider factors that impact your goal.
    • Timely: Set deadlines for progress and completion.

Never Give Up on You

  • Acknowledge the desire for something big in you. Fan the flame of greatness inside you and never hide your uniqueness or potential.
  • If you think like a chicken, you’ll be fearful; think like an eagle, and you’ll be strong and courageous. For As he thinks in his heart, so is he. Your thoughts shape who you become.
  • Many struggle with self-respect and neglect self-care, wrongly believing it’s holy to sacrifice to the point of harm. You are God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19). Value yourself by taking care of your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Being an eagle Christian sometimes means flying alone, making decisions that separate you from others to reach higher spiritual heights.
  • You may experience loneliness when following your convictions, but it is part of the journey.
  • Don’t be discouraged by your flaws. Everyone has weaknesses. Run to God with your weaknesses, as He is the one who can help you overcome them.

Confronting Your Seven Areas of Fears

  1. Fear of What People Think: Excessive need for approval can steal your destiny; you must prioritize pleasing God over pleasing others.
  2. Fear of Criticism: Fear of criticism often arises from insecurity and self-doubt. To achieve great things, accept that some people will not agree with you, and don’t let their opinions control you.
  3. Fear of Not Pleasing God: God is not as hard to please as you think. He wants you to grow into maturity, not be perfect (Hebrews 12:2). Focus on progress rather than faults. 
  4. Fear of Making the Wrong Decision: Instead of fearing mistakes, listen to your heart and check what God is saying. Trust Him to guide you. Don’t be double-minded; seek God if you feel unsure about your decisions.
  5. Fear of Missing God: Don’t be afraid to take steps of faith—you cannot move forward without taking action. Mistakes are part of the learning process, and God will help you get back on track.
  6. Fear of Change: This fear can hold you back from new opportunities. Embrace change as part of life and growth. Change is often necessary for progress, and God is always moving forward.
  7. Fear of Sacrifice: Following God’s calling often requires sacrifice, whether in time, comfort, or resources. Sacrifice proves your commitment to God and deepens your love for Him.

Yes! It’ll Cost You

  • Life is full of challenges, and overcoming them shapes us into people who know how to handle adversity.
  • Life offers two types of pain: the pain of pressing through difficulties or the pain of regret from not trying. Pressing through challenges is tough but necessary for a fulfilled life.
  • Suffering and trials are inevitable, but they are part of the process that helps us grow spiritually and personally.
  • To achieve your goals and potential, you must press in, press on, and pay the price. Progress requires sacrifice, discipline, and a willingness to face difficulties head-on.
  • The right choices are often the hardest, but they are necessary for growth. Even when discouraged or frustrated, choose to do what’s right.
  • Your obstacles (attitudes, past issues, relationships, etc.) are yours to overcome; no one else can do it for you. And you must press against them if you want to achieve something worthwhile.
  • Discipline is hard but brings long-term benefits (e.g., health, financial security, spiritual intimacy). Hebrews 12:11 reminds us that discipline brings rewards “later on,” not immediately.
  • Progress is achieved through consistent action over time. Success comes from consistently doing the right thing, even when it’s difficult.
  • If you’re unhappy with your current situation, you must put in the effort to change it. Make the decision now to pay the price for a better future.
  • Excuses like being too busy will prevent you from making the changes you need. Prioritize taking care of yourself to be able to help others.
  • Every difficult task God asks you to do has a greater purpose for your life. Victory requires paying the price and persevering through the hard times.
  • The cost of perseverance is worth it because victory brings fulfillment and rewards. Don’t give up—press through the challenges, as the rewards of success far outweigh the struggles.

Adversity is Inevitable

  • Overcoming adversity requires work, but it is possible with determination. You must remain steadfast and focus on what’s in your heart, not on your circumstances.
  • When you accept Christ, you receive the spirit of a conqueror. And knowing God is on your side empowers you to face any challenge with confidence.
  • True power over Satan comes from submitting to God first. Obedience to God is key to resisting the devil and overcoming difficulties.
  • The devil wants you to settle for less, but God desires the best for your life. He wants you to complete the race with joy and fulfillment (Hebrews 12:1).
  • One of the strongest testimonies is simply saying: “I’m still here.” It signifies resilience—staying faithful and not giving up despite challenges.
  • Don’t let difficulties upset you; remind yourself, “This too shall pass.” Refuse to let challenges impress, oppress, or depress you.
  • Difficult periods of adjustment are not a sign that you missed God; they are part of the journey.
  • Avoiding difficult situations only leads to facing them again later. Confront challenges directly rather than running from them.

Four Keys to Success 

  1. Commitment: Commitment is the foundation of “never giving up.”Without commitment, people easily give up. True success comes from being fully committed to God, even in tough times or when you feel alone or rejected.
  2. Determination: Determination is about making resolute decisions and sticking to them, regardless of challenges. Stay determined to obey God and outlast every challenge the enemy throws your way. Nothing can stop you if you’re truly determined.
  3. Waiting on the Lord: Waiting on God means spending time in His presence, meditating on His Word, worshiping, and keeping Him at the center of your life. Even in busy moments, take short breaks to reconnect with God, like a few minutes in the car or a bathroom stall.
  4. Renewal: True youthfulness comes from a strong spirit, not age. Regular renewal of your spirit will positively impact your mind, body, emotions, and decisions. Take time for personal renewal—set aside extended breaks for rest, reflection, and recharge with God.

Overcoming the Obstacles to Success 

  1. Turn Obstacles into Stepping-Stones: Difficulties should be used to strengthen and elevate you. Don’t let obstacles bury you—find creative ways to overcome them.
  2. Resist the Temptation to Quit: The desire to quit is natural, but acting on it means surrendering. Declare war against temptation—speak words of determination. Prayer is the best tool for overcoming the urge to quit.
  3. Overcoming Personal Problems: The enemy often uses personal pain to derail us from God’s assignments. True character is shown in those who stay committed despite personal struggles. 
  4. Handling Rejection: Rejection can make you want to quit, but don’t let it stop you. If you want to do great things for God, expect to endure rejection and loneliness.
  5. Avoid Wanting Too Much Too Soon: Strong foundations are necessary before success can be built. Be patient with God’s timing and embrace seasons of preparation.
  6. Overcoming the Desire for Convenience: Society teaches us to seek ease, but true success requires effort, hardships, and inconveniences. God did not create us for comfort but for perseverance.
  7. Conquering Jealousy: Comparing yourself to others can hinder your progress. Trust that God’s plan for you is perfect, even when others seem to advance faster. 
  8. Letting Go of Selfishness: Don’t let temporary comfort keep you from long-term growth and purpose. Discipline is key—persistence means doing what’s right even when it’s hard.
  9. 9. Learn from Mistakes Instead of Giving Up: Failures and mistakes should be lessons, not reasons to quit. Perseverance leads to success—wait on the Lord for renewed strength.

Before Testimony Comes T-E-S-T 

  • Every testimony is preceded by a test. Trials and tests reveal our true character and faith. Because you don’t truly know what you believe until you are tested.
  • You may think we are strong, kind, or faithful, but trials reveal if these qualities are real in you. Your response under pressure shows your true level of godliness and commitment.
  • Others can pray for you, but you must learn to stand in faith for yourself. You must learn how to: Pray for yourself, find and apply scriptures to your situation, and trust God first when problems arise.
  • Just as muscles grow through exercise, faith grows through hardship. Strong believers did not develop their faith easily—it was refined through challenges.

Before Pursuing Something New 

  • Before embracing something new, ask: Is this God’s will for me? Do I have peace about this? Do I sense God’s presence in it?
  • Don’t follow emotions, personal desires, or others’ advice—follow God. Pray first and then make plans, rather than making plans and asking God to bless them. Stay obedient, even if no one else is doing the right thing.
  • Fear often arises when trying something new because “you have not passed this way before.” The enemy highlights negatives, but focus on God’s promises.
  • God may reveal a dream or vision years before asking you to act on it. Trying to move ahead of or behind God’s timing leads to frustration.
  • God isn’t surprised by your weaknesses—He looks for willingness, not perfection. Character is developed gradually, through life’s tests and trials.
  • One of life’s key tests is learning to forgive quickly. Bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness trap people in negativity.
  • Overcommitment and stress often come from impure motives. Regularly evaluate why you make certain decisions: Am I seeking recognition or status? Am I truly serving God or just trying to impress people?
  • God teaches us love by placing difficult people in our lives. True love is shown in how we treat those who are hard to love.
  • Will you still be following God in 5, 10, or 20 years? Spiritual growth is a continuous process—God allows us to retake tests until we pass. Stay committed, passionate, and faithful for a lifetime.

Your Worst Enemies 

  • Guilt: Guilt locks people in an invisible prison, preventing them from believing they are worthy of success. The feeling of guilt over mistakes is often worse than the mistakes themselves.
  • Condemnation: God convicts us of sin to lead us to repentance, but He does not condemn us. Condemnation is from the enemy and keeps us trapped in guilt and shame.
  • Feelings: We will always make mistakes, but the way to overcome guilt is through faith. When feeling guilty, confess the truth of Scripture instead of relying on feelings.
  • Sin: People often categorize sins and determine how long they should feel guilty, but this is unnecessary. Feeling guilty does not make up for sin; only Jesus’ sacrifice does.
  • The Trap of Guilt: Guilt does not change people; it only traps them in a cycle of sin and more guilt. The Bible teaches that anything not of faith is sin—guilt is not of faith, so it should be rejected.
  • Breaking Free from Guilt: Guilt steals joy, peace, and blessings. The key to freedom is to repent quickly, receive forgiveness quickly, and move forward quickly. Dwelling on past mistakes holds people back from fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives.
  • Pressing Onward: Forget past failures by refusing to dwell on them—stop thinking and talking about them. Spiritual maturity means focusing on God’s calling rather than being trapped in guilt.
  • Have a Greater Vision: Set dreams and goals that go beyond personal success—help others as well. Stay committed to making a positive impact, not just achieving personal gain.

Your Secret Weapons 

  • Keep Believing: If God has placed something in your heart, don’t give up—even if you feel discouraged. It’s okay to cry, feel frustrated, or have doubts, but never stop believing.
  • New Beginnings: When things don’t go as planned, trust that God will provide a fresh start. Keep your heart free from negative emotions, as they rob you of peace.
  • Control Anger and Negative Emotions: Staying angry for too long leads to bitterness, resentment, and misery (Hebrews 12:15). Unresolved anger negatively affects both emotional and physical health.
  • Maintaining Your Peace: The key to peace is not eliminating difficult people or situations, but changing how we respond to them. Acknowledge and confront your emotions by asking God for help, instead of denying them.
  • Repaying Evil with Good: Your greatest weapon against the enemy is choosing kindness towards those who offend you. Instead of seeking revenge, press through the pain by showing goodness and love.

Don’t Give Up on Your Future

  • Embracing the Future with Confidence: Never give up—see each day as a fresh opportunity for growth and blessings. Challenges should be viewed as mountains to climb, not obstacles that crush you.
  • Breaking Free from the Past: The past can prevent you from experiencing joy and freedom if you let it. Focusing too much on the past leads to discouragement and hopelessness. Holding onto the past causes you to relive it—“Where the mind goes, the man follows.”
  • God’s Daily Mercy and Forgiveness: God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). When the enemy reminds you of past failures, declare God’s forgiveness and mercy.
  • The Power of a Positive Mindset: Negativity drains energy, while faith, hope, and positivity open doors for Miracles. You alone can silence the enemy’s accusations about your past by speaking to yourself.
  • Letting Go of Regret: Dwelling on “the good old days” can prevent you from enjoying today and moving forward. To experience God’s new blessings, focus on the present and future, not the past.
  • God’s Plan for Your Life: God knows your thoughts, words, and mistakes before they happen—His grace covers them. He desires a loving relationship with you, not perfection.
  • Transformation is a Process: Becoming a new creation in Christ takes time and spiritual growth. God’s word needs to take root in your heart, like a planted seed (Ephesians 5:26).
  • Your Past Does Not Disqualify You: Do not believe the lie that past mistakes ruin your future. God still has a great plan for you—your mistakes cannot change His purpose. The only way to miss out on His plan is to reject His promise and stop believing.

The Power of Hope 

  • In difficult times, you can either give up or press on. However, choosing to persevere can inspire others facing similar struggles.
  • Hope prevents worry and will help you trust God with unanswered questions. The enemy targets hope to lead many into despair and depression.
  • Self-pity will blind you to your blessings and potential opportunities. It is a form of idolatry because it focuses excessively on self and ignores God’s power to change circumstances.
  • No one can force hopelessness on you. It’s your decision not to waste time feeling sorry for yourself. As long as there is life, there is hope. 
  • Jeremiah 29:11 assures that God’s plans include hope and a good future. Instead of dwelling on disappointments, look for new opportunities in what remains.
  • Sadness and disappointment cannot survive in the presence of hope. With hope, giving up is not an option.

Work & Reward

  • Hard work brings rewards in all areas of life—career, relationships, home, and spiritual walk. Rewards come only to those who persevere, not to those who quit.
  • Many people miss out on blessings because they avoid challenges and only commit to what is easy. 
  • There is no such thing as a “drive-through”. Breakthrough success with God requires effort and patience. If you want the reward, you must be willing to do the work.
  • When life gets tough, focus on the reward ahead—like looking forward to payday after a long week of work. And when the devil tries to discourage you, declare: “Payday is coming!”
  • Most breakthroughs that seem sudden are actually the result of long-term perseverance. Behind every victory, achievement, or blessing is a journey of hard work and determination.
  • So decide to never give up, no matter what challenges arise. Success in life and with God is always worth the effort. Be committed, patient, and diligent—your perseverance will bring great rewards.

In conclusion, life is filled with challenges, but with faith, perseverance, and the right mindset, you can overcome anything. This book reminds us that obstacles are not roadblocks but stepping stones to growth. So stay committed, trust God’s plan, and never quit—because your breakthrough is just ahead!

Finally, here is a question we’d love you to answer.

Have you ever faced a challenge that made you want to give up? How did you push through?

We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.

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