The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen - featured image

The Price of God’s Miracle Working Power by A. A Allen [Summary] 

Main Summary: The Price of God’s Miracle Working Power by A.A. Allen reveals the spiritual disciplines necessary to walk in divine power. It emphasizes holiness, prayer, fasting, self-denial, and complete surrender to God as essential requirements for operating in miracles and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post 

  1. The Price
  2. The Disciple is Not Above His Master
  3. The Disciple Shall Be As His Master
  4. Be Perfect, As Your Father is Perfect
  5. Christ Our Example
  6. Prayer is a Discipline, Not a Feeling:
  7. The Cross
  8. I Must Decrease (John 3:30)
  9. He Must Increase (John 3:30)
  10. Foolish Speech Deflates Spiritual Power
  11. Your Body Your Sacrifice
  12. Partaker of His Nature
  13. Personal Infirmities 
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

The Price

  • The author initially believed that receiving the Holy Ghost would immediately grant him miracle-working power but later realized more was required.
  • The baptism of the Holy Ghost grants access to divine power, but the gifts of the Spirit are the channels through which that power flows.
  • The Holy Spirit’s power is like electricity—having access is not enough; one must use the right “appliances” (gifts) to maximize its effectiveness.
  • The author faced intense spiritual battles while seeking God’s power, as Satan tried to distract and discourage him from persistent prayer and fasting.
  • God revealed that the hindrances in his life preventing miracles were the same obstacles blocking others from experiencing God’s power.
  • The other lessons will discuss the specific requirements for unlocking God’s miracle-working power.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

The Disciple is Not Above His Master

  • Jesus’ promise in John 14:12 means His followers would do greater works in quantity, not quality. Meaning, that being one person, was limited geographically, but His disciples spread worldwide and would reach more people.
  • Christ Himself suffered rejection, persecution, and crucifixion. His disciples must expect the same suffering if they seek to manifest His power.
  • Jesus rejected worldly ambitions, even refusing Satan’s offer to rule the world (Matt. 4:8-10). His disciples must also have an unwavering focus on God’s purpose, rejecting earthly distractions.
  • Jesus spent long hours in prayer, often through the night, to maintain divine power. Prayer was His priority—even above sleep because miracles result from deep communion with God.
  • If one could attain Jesus’ results without His sacrifices, they would be greater than Him—which is impossible.
  • The path to true power requires following Christ’s example of suffering, faithfulness, and deep prayer life.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

The Disciple Shall Be As His Master

  • Luke 6:40 states that while a disciple is not above his master, those who are “perfect” (fully prepared and obedient) can be like their Master.
  • Some argue that Jesus, being both God and man, had an advantage, but Hebrews 2:16-17 confirms that He became fully human like us.
  • Jesus did not use power unavailable to us—He promised we would receive the same power from the same source (Acts 10:38).
  • To have His power, we must imitate His holiness, consecration, meekness, compassion, faith, prayer, fasting, and self-denial.
  • Without paying the price He paid, we cannot expect to walk in His power.
  • While God’s power is freely given, it requires obedience and preparation to manifest. Luke 6:40 emphasizes that only those who meet the conditions can truly be their Master.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Be Perfect, As Your Father is Perfect

  • Perfection is God’s Goal for Every Christian. Jesus commanded believers to strive for perfection (Matthew 5:48). Even the Apostle Paul admitted he had not yet attained it (Philippians 3:12).
  • God declared Job “a perfect and upright man” (Job 1:8). Noah was also called “a just man and perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6:9). These men were not divine but feared God and avoided evil.
  • Believers now have greater advantages. Such as the complete Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for their “perfecting” (Ephesians 4:11-12). And the Holy Spirit as a guide and teacher (John 14:26).
  • Holiness is Essential for Spiritual Power. Satan deceives people into thinking perfection is impossible, so they tolerate sin. Demons recognize and fear Christ-filled Christians but mock those without holiness.
  • The believer can grow into perfection through God’s Word, 1 Peter 2:2. Resisting Satan, James 4:7. The fruit of Patience, James 1:4. Control Over Speech, James 3:2. And a life characterized by Love (Charity) Colossians 3:14. 
  • As a believer you haven’t gone far enough until signs follow you (healing the sick, miracles). Meanwhile, Satan will try to hold you back, but you must press forward.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Christ Our Example

  • Evil thoughts can be cast out by filling the mind with God’s Word and righteousness. Even Jesus was tempted, but He did not dwell on evil thoughts.
  • Power comes through faith, and faith is built through obedience to God’s commands. Hope is available to all, but faith is only available to those who live in holiness.
  • Faith without holiness would allow unholy people to receive anything from God, which contradicts His nature.
  • Holiness is a Requirement for Power with God. The word says, “Follow peace . . . and holiness, WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD” (Hebrews 12:14)”.
  • The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and righteousness (John 16:8). Hiding God’s Word in the heart prevents sin (Psalm 119:11).
  • Anyone who truly desires holiness can attain it. Without holiness, no one will experience God’s miracle-working power.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Prayer is a Discipline, Not a Feeling:

  • Self tells you to pray only when you feel like it. Self-denial says, “Pray anyway,” because obedience matters more than emotions.
  • Food is one of the strongest desires of self, and fasting puts God above personal cravings. Paul emphasized the power of frequent fasting (2 Corinthians 11:27).
  • Power Comes from Waiting on God. Time spent alone with God is essential for spiritual strength and effectiveness.
  • Pentecost came after ten days of waiting upon the Lord. Self wants to hurry, but waiting on God brings true power.
  • Self is Focused on the World, But the Spirit Focuses on God. Self is restless, impatient, and seeks gratification.
  • Those who truly follow Christ must put aside worldly distractions and seek deeper fellowship with God.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

The Cross

  • Self-Denial Alone is Not Enough. In addition to denying oneself, a disciple must take up their cross daily.
  • The cross represents burdens, sacrifices, and challenges willingly endured for the sake of Christ and others.
  • It is easy to commit to bearing the cross in moments of inspiration, but true discipleship requires daily faithfulness. Many people fail to carry their cross consistently after an initial commitment.
  • Jesus Lived Under the Shadow of the Cross. His suffering was not accidental; He was fully aware of His mission and never avoided His cross.
  • Likewise, you must embrace your crosses and follow His example.
  • The Cross is a Choice, Not Just Circumstance. It is not just sickness or unavoidable hardships but a voluntary sacrifice for obedience to God and service to others.
  • The world may not understand each person’s cross, but God assigns each believer their unique burden to bear.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

I Must Decrease (John 3:30)

  • Success in whatever ministry or callings depends on how much of God is present in a person’s life.
  • The disciples relied on “the Lord working with them” rather than their abilities (Mark 16:20). God’s power increases in you only as self decreases.
  • Preaching is not effective ( can’t change anyone) because of eloquence but because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Without 
  • Pride is the Enemy of Spiritual Power. Some in the Corinthian church were “puffed up,” needing to decrease in self to increase in God. 
  • However, Paul emphasized to them that the true measure of ministry is power, not just speech (1 Cor. 4:20).
  • Five Forms of Pride That Must Be Decreased
  1. Pride of Face – Thinking we look better than others.
  2. Pride of Place – Refusing to do certain tasks because of our position.
  3. Pride of Race – Feeling superior due to family background.
  4. Pride of Pace – Believing we are the most capable and efficient.
  5. Pride of Grace – Being proud of our spiritual achievements, fasting, revelations, or humility.
  • Before we can have real power with God, we must decrease in pride and self-importance.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

He Must Increase (John 3:30)

  • To draw near to God, identify and remove anything that hinders your relationship with Him. Whether sin or distractions, they’ll prevent your spiritual growth and power.
  • Some claim that miracles are no longer needed, but Hebrews 13:8 states that Jesus is the same forever. The absence of power is not God’s fault—it is due to distance from Him caused by sin and distractions.
  • Common Things That Keep Us Away from God are: Relationships – Placing family or loved ones above God (Matthew 10:37). Cares of Life – Being too focused on earthly concerns. Lack of Praise – Failure to appreciate and praise God keeps us distant from Him.
  • The Holy Spirit wants to live not just near but within you, guiding you into holiness. However, as you surrender, God increases in your life, bringing more of His power and presence.
  • Spiritual power comes through deep engagement with God’s Word. If you neglect the Word, don’t expect God’s power to be present in your life.
  • God increases in your life as you daily surrender and remove obstacles between you and Him. The goal is to become more absorbed in God’s presence and power.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Foolish Speech Deflates Spiritual Power

  • Those who engage in foolish talk lack true spiritual authority and power. Deliverance and miracles do not come through entertainers but through those anointed by God.
  • True joy in Christ strengthens believers, while worldly humor offers no lasting benefit.
  • God has given believers’ words authority, making them valuable and not to be wasted. Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63).
  • So every word should be used for edification, not for vanity (Ephesians 4:29).
  • Speaking too much will lead you to sin (Proverbs 10:19). Many Christians speak too many idle words simply because they talk too much.
  • A loose tongue hinders the move of God in one’s life. If you refuse to change, God will move forward without them. To walk in God’s power, you must surrender your speech and remove foolishness.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Your Body Your Sacrifice

  • God works through what is consecrated, sanctified, and fully yielded to Him. If you want to be used by God, you must present your body completely to Him.
  • Your body doesn’t have to be strong or perfect—only holy and surrendered. David Brainerd, though sick, gave himself fully to God and won thousands to Christ.
  • The sacrifice must be holy—set apart for God’s purpose. It must be fully His—not just on Sundays, but at all times.
  • Consecration means giving God a blank contract with your life and letting Him fill it. It’s not about responding to individual calls from God but committing to His will for life, no matter the cost.
  • A small sacrifice brings a small blessing. True miracle-working power comes only when a person fully presents themselves as a living sacrifice.
The Price of God's Miracle Working Power by A.A Allen quote

Partaker of His Nature

  • Abiding in Christ is essential for fruitfulness. Just as Jesus depended on the Father, we must abide in Him to bear fruit. (John 15:4)
  • You can reflect Jesus so clearly that others recognize you have been with Him. Why? Because you partake of the divine nature through the gifts of the Spirit (power) and the fruits of the Spirit (character).
  • We have direct access to God’s Wisdom, Knowledge, and Power. His wisdom surpasses human understanding. Knowledge comes directly from His mind, revealing hidden truths. And power flows from him, resulting in miracles and signs.
  • God has no favorites—anyone who fully believes in His promises can walk in His power. Faith unlocks access to divine nature, opening doors to limitless possibilities.

Personal Infirmities 

  • Everyone Has a personal sin, Paul calls it “the sin which doth so easily beset us” (Hebrews 12:1), and it must be laid aside.
  • If you seek God earnestly, He will put His finger on the specific sin in your life. Failing to surrender this sin will hinder your relationship with God, just as it did for the rich young ruler.
  • Whatever it is, obey God immediately and get rid of it. Don’t rename sin to make it sound acceptable (e.g., pride as self-respect, jealousy as watchfulness). It must be flung aside completely, not excused as an infirmity.
  • Excusing Sin by Comparing with Others is Dangerous. Just because “everyone does it” doesn’t make it right. God’s standard is personal. 
  • The work of the gospel must take priority. The harvest is urgent, and God is still seeking people to stand in the gap. God rewards those who answer His call, no matter when they come.

Now that you’ve learned the price of God’s miracle-working power, it’s time to act. Examine your life, remove hindrances, commit to prayer and fasting, and fully surrender to God. Don’t just read—apply these principles and walk in the supernatural power that God intends for you!

Finally, here is a question we’d love you to answer.

Are you truly willing to pay the price for God’s miracle-working power?

We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.

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