Main Summary: Consistency and Discipline in Prayer by Peter Tan emphasizes the importance of developing a disciplined, habitual prayer life rather than relying on prayer only in times of crisis. The book argues that regular prayer builds spiritual deposits, stabilizes character, and aligns believers more closely with God’s will, contrasting persistent faithfulness with inconsistent, crisis-driven devotion.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post
- Understanding Consistency in Prayer
- Making Spiritual Deposits
- Practicing Prayer Daily
- Desperation vs. Consistency
- Using Desperation Tactics Wisely
- Practical Steps to Live a Disciplined Prayer Life

Understanding Consistency in Prayer
- Prayer should be a discipline and a habit, not something we turn to only in times of crisis or desperation.
- Many people only pray fervently when they face severe problems, but this kind of sporadic Christianity does not honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
- While it is better than not praying at all, we must strive for excellence in our relationship with God.
- The author acknowledges that his early Christian life in prayer often involved desperate cries to God. However, as he matured, he realized that God desires us to develop a consistent discipline in prayer.
- This consistent prayer life, regardless of crises, helps us grow and mature in Him.

Making Spiritual Deposits
- Just like a bank account, our spiritual life benefits from regular deposits through disciplined prayer.
- This allows us to draw on our spiritual reserves when needed, without resorting to frantic, desperate measures.
- A consistent prayer life stabilizes our character and makes us reliable vessels for God’s work.
- People who only pray when they face crises often experience unstable spiritual lives, marked by periods of intense devotion followed by backsliding.
- In contrast, a disciplined prayer life creates a stable, continuous relationship with God.

Practicing Prayer Daily
- The early church and Jesus Christ exemplified a life of constant prayer and devotion. For them, prayer and worship were integrated into their daily lives.
- Acts 2 describes how the early believers met daily in the temple and their homes for fellowship and prayer.
- This consistency is key to a deep, stable relationship with God.

Desperation vs. Consistency
- The Book of Judges illustrates the dangers of only seeking God in times of desperation.
- The Israelites repeatedly turned away from God and only cried out to Him when oppressed by their enemies.
- Consistent leaders like Joshua, Ehud, and Gideon provided stability, unlike the fluctuating faith of the people.
- God’s preference for consistency is shown in how He eventually demanded sustained faithfulness from the Israelites.
- God, in His mercy, helped them each time, but He desires more from us than sporadic desperation.
- Desperate prayers are often crisis-driven and lack the foundation of regular communication with God.
- Living a “desperado” lifestyle leads to an unstable spiritual life, with significant ups and downs.
- Solely relying on desperate measures is unsustainable and less effective in building a deep relationship with God.

Building Consistency
- God is more impressed by consistent, disciplined devotion than by sporadic, desperate efforts.
- A consistent prayer life, even without lengthy fasts, is more pleasing to God.
- It requires daily choices and sacrifices to prioritize time with God over worldly distractions.
- Daniel is a prime example of consistency in prayer. Despite a decree banning prayer, Daniel continued his custom of praying three times a day.
- His disciplined devotion brought great revelations and blessings from God.
- Persistent and consistent prayer is more effective and fervent.
- A consistent prayer life leads to gradual, sustained blessings and spiritual growth.

Using Desperation Tactics Wisely
- Desperation tactics in prayer should be used defensively against strong spiritual attacks or offensively when God calls for intense intercession.
- However, the foundation should always be a consistent prayer life. Balance desperation with a solid foundation of regular, disciplined prayer.
Practical Steps
- Set aside regular times for prayer, even in small increments. That is, Incorporate prayer into daily routines, such as using lunch breaks for prayer and Bible study.
- Prioritize prayer and Bible reading over less important activities.
- Build a disciplined, consistent relationship with God. Set specific times and make consistent commitments to prayer and fellowship with God.
In conclusion, consistency in prayer leads to stability and growth in our spiritual lives. So it’s time to put into practice the discipline of regular prayer, making it a consistent part of your daily life. Strive for excellence in your spiritual journey by developing a steady, unwavering commitment to prayer, ensuring you remain connected to God in all circumstances.
Finally, here is a question we’d love you to answer.
What practical tips or strategies do you use to ensure prayer remains a consistent part of your daily routine, even amidst a busy schedule?
We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.
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