Main Summary: Effortless Change by Andrew Wommack talks about the importance of God’s word in a believer’s life and how it can be used to overcome various struggles. It emphasizes the power of meditating on the Word and using it as a guide for making decisions and living a victorious life in Christ.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post
- It Begins From Within
- The Word As an Incorruptible Seed
- Meditation the Key
- Using The Word to Achieve Effortless Change
- Activating God’s Voice Within You
- Overcoming Fear, Doubt & Unbelief By the Word
- How to Engage the Promises of God’s Word
- The Bane of Busyness To Changing by the Word
It Begins From Within
“God’s Word is true. As you think in your heart, so are you,” says Proverbs 23:7. According to the author, this is a law of God, and Romans 8:6 confirms that your experience, surroundings, and everything about you are a result of the way you think. Your thoughts determine whether you have life and peace or death.
“Whatever is growing in the garden of your life is what you’ve planted or allowed to be planted in your heart,” says the author. Instead of blaming others for what’s wrong in your life, it’s important to recognize that change begins on the inside of you. “The dominant experience of your life is a reflection of the way you are thinking on the inside,” Proverbs 23:7.
“The first thing you need to do is recognize that change begins on the inside of you. This occurs according to the knowledge that you have of God,” says 2 Peter 1:2-3. To turn any circumstance in your life around, you need to get God’s perspective and start thinking His thoughts. The author believes that this is what the Bible calls faith, seeing things from God’s perspective.
“If you want something to change on the outside, then you’re going to have to start by changing something on the inside,” The author warns against the definition of insanity, which is to do the same thing over and over again, and expect different results.
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The Word As an Incorruptible Seed
The key to spiritual growth and understanding God is through His Word. The author emphasizes the importance of reading the Word with your heart and meditating on it. Saying that the word is the seed that brings forth the results.
The author also stresses that it’s not the ground that produces the fruit, but the seed (God’s word) which is incorruptible. He states that the average person doesn’t have a good understanding of the Word of God and that’s the reason why they aren’t receiving from God.
The author also states that it’s not the Word that fails to work, but the people who fail to work it. Saying, it is understanding that allows the seed of the Word to sink inside you, allowing the Word to penetrate your heart.
According to the author, it is important to allow the truth of God’s Word to take root and become established in your heart. He also emphasizes that it takes time for the Word of God to work and produce fruit in your life and that you should continuously seek greater revelation from the Word.
He also added that Satan would love to prevent you from having depth in your understanding of the Word. And that as you continue to sow the seed of the word and it produces fruits after its kind, there comes a stage of persecution you must endure. Saying, “God’s Word will bring a revival or a riot every time.”
Meditation the Key
“God is no respecter of persons. If you put His Word first place in your life and meditate on it consistently, it will change you,” says the author. Joshua 1:8 reveals that the way to get prosperity and good success in every area of your life is to take the Word of God and meditate on it.
“So there I was, seeing in my heart a vision of all these things that God was calling me to do—seeing the absolute impossibility of it all in the natural realm,” says the author. As he was praying, he opened his eyes and saw his Bible open on the bed in front of him. He heard the Lord say, “If you will take My Word and meditate on it day and night, then My Word will teach you everything you need to know. My Word will change everything.”
“When God’s Word literally begins to control your life, you will prosper and have good success physically, emotionally, relationally, financially—in every area,” says the author. He believes that meditation is the key to this change, He defined meditation as simply focusing your attention on something to the point that it never leaves your consciousness.
“Don’t just read the information in God’s Word, begin to think about it,” says the author. As you meditate on the Word, faith rises. He said, many people miss this increase in faith because they read the Word, but don’t meditate on it. He stressed the importance of reading the Bible with your heart, not just your mind, and seeking understanding through prayer and meditation.
“The Lord knows exactly where you are and how to get you to where you’re supposed to be. All you need is just the slightest instruction, an impartation of God’s wisdom. All you need is a word from God!”
Using The Word to Achieve Effortless Change
The author believes that meditating on the Word of God is the key to overcoming depression and achieving peace of mind. However, he says, “If you’re struggling with depression, you’re not meditating on the Word of God day and night. Romans 8:6 reveals: For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
He also believes that meditating on the Word of God is the key to overcoming physical sickness and achieving good health. He says, “If I need healing in my body, I take the Word of God and meditate on it. I eat these words because they’re life and health to my flesh.”
The author also believes that meditating on the Word of God is the key to achieving good success and prosperity in life. He encourages you to meditate on the Word day and night, to stir up the faith that is already within you, and to make manifest to the physical senses the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.
He also emphasizes the importance of being transformed by the renewing of the mind, saying “The pressures of this life tend to try to force everybody into the world’s mold of pessimism. When you lose your dreams and goals, you harbor unforgiveness and become bitter. That’s the mold the problems in this life are trying to force you into. But you don’t have to go into that mold. You can choose to be transformed.”
The author believes that following God’s word and meditating on it can accomplish everything that is needed in your life. He says “If you were damaged by something or someone, you don’t have to bear that for five, ten, twenty, or thirty years. You can get over it.”
The Word of God will convert your soul and turn it back to what God meant it to be. He also believes that the Word of God will make you wise even if you have been stupid in the past. He encourages you to speak the promises of God to yourself and to treat God’s word as more valuable than gold or honey. He also encourages you to esteem the word of God more than necessary food.
The author emphasizes the importance of controlling your thoughts and not relying solely on the teachings of others. He acknowledges that everyone is subject to doubt and negative circumstances, which can cause faith to fade.
However, he encourages you to focus on the Lord and actively fight against doubt. He stresses that the Word of God should be the absolute authority in your life and that you should not back off of it, regardless of what anyone else has or hasn’t done. And recommends reading a specific study bible and commentary to help develop your faith in God’s word.
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Activating God’s Voice Within You
“God isn’t wringing His hands and wondering how He can pull a situation out for you. There is a simple solution for every person. Our biggest problem is our inability to hear God’s voice,” says the author. He believes that the way to know what God is saying is through His Word. By meditating on the Word of God, the Lord would speak to you, providing you with wisdom and direction.
“I have yet to run across a problem in life for which the Word of God doesn’t provide an answer,” says the author. He believes that by putting the knowledge of the Word on the inside, the Holy Spirit will quicken things to you and show you what to do. “When I read the Word, I’m not reading a book about God. This is the Lord writing to me!”
“Many Christians don’t honor the Word of God by looking at it as literally God speaking to them. When they read it, they do it more out of religious obligation and duty. They don’t read the Word expecting God to speak to them,” says the author. He encourages you to take God’s Word, meditate on it day and night, and become familiar with God through His Word, which has everything that you need to succeed.
“To have the Word be effective in your life, you must do what Proverbs 4 says, which is to attend to God’s words and incline your ear,” says the author. He encourages you to listen to God’s Word with your heart, not just your head, and to place a high priority and value on the Word of God. By attending to it and inclining your ear to it, you will start getting the results the author described.
Overcoming Fear, Doubt & Unbelief by the Word
On the subjects of doubt, the author is emphasizing the importance of hearing from God to overcome doubt. He states that the devil can appear in the spiritual realm and lead people astray, but the Word of God is the “acid test” for everything supernatural.
The Word of God is His strongest and most powerful way to counter fear and unbelief. The author encourages you to make the Word of God your absolute authority and view it as God speaking to you.
He also emphasized that a greater blessing and anointing would be released in your life if you take the truths of God’s Word by faith and let the Holy Spirit make direct application to your situation per time. The author also recommends that if you must change effortlessly, you must meditate on the Word of God and act on it. He calls this, the highest form of faith.
How to Engage the Promises of God’s Word
To see results in your life, the author stressed that, you must take the promises in God’s Word and plant them in your heart by meditating on them. This is how the kingdom of God works and it is the key to seeing healing, provision, and prosperity in your life.
The author also points out that the average person does not spend enough time in the Word of God, and therefore does not have a good understanding of it. He encourages you to take the time to meditate on the promises of God’s Word so that you can see the results you desire in your life

The Bane of Busyness To Changing by the Word
If you must achieve God’s desire for the author’s subject, “Effortless Change“, it is important to spend quality time meditating on the Word of God for it to take root in your life.
Busyness can limit your perception of the spiritual world and choke the Word of God, preventing it from producing fruit in your life. The author also reflects on how his busyness with ministry can hinder the Word from working in his life and how this applies to others who are busy with their careers and daily lives.
The ground that produced the best fruit was the ground that had less, less stones, less thorns, and less weeds, and this is a reminder that patience and continuity are key in allowing the Word of God to take root and produce fruit in our lives.
The Word of God has the power to produce fruit in your life, but you need to be patient and not try to circumvent the growth process. The author also stresses that the Word of God has life and power in it and it’s up to us to claim it and release its life in our lives instead of begging for it from God.
He suggests that your busy life and preoccupation with other things can choke the Word and hinder its growth in your life. He encourages you to take time to meditate on the Word and to make it a priority in your life.
In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of meditating on the Word of God and using it as a guide for one’s thoughts, actions, and decisions. He also stresses the importance of recognizing that change begins within you and the need to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. By following these principles and using the Word of God as a foundation, the author believes that you can experience prosperity, success, and peace in all aspects of life.
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Finally, We have two questions for you.
How does meditating on God’s word impact your daily life and decision-making process?
What are some practical ways you can incorporate God’s word into your daily routine to live a victorious life?
We will love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comments in the comment box below.
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