Main Summary: Success Buttons by David Oyedepo is a guide to achieving success in all areas of life. The author asserts that success is not a matter of chance, but an attribute of divinity. The book covers various principles and practices for success, such as the importance of knowledge, the Bible as a blueprint for success, three principles of success, and more The book provides readers with actionable steps for attaining success in their personal and professional lives.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post
1. Success as an Attribute of Divinity
2. The Importance of Knowledge
3. Faith vs. Mental Assent
4. The Bible as a Blueprint for Success
5. Three Principles of Success
6. Guard Your Mind
7. The place of wisdom, discipline, and hard work.
Success as an Attribute of Divinity
According to the author, success for the believer is not a matter of chance. It has no relevance to your natural background. Most people according to the author say, “I wish I had educated parents,” or “I wish I had a wealthy and successful background.” However, God is not against greatness. He is not against prosperity. God is not against success. He is the author of them all. The author says success is not a symptom of backsliding or carnality. It is an attribute of divinity.
He argues that mediocrity is not synonymous with consecration and that the Church should not accept it. He encourages you to allow the seed of success in them to germinate, grow, and have full expression and manifestation.
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The Importance of Knowledge
Lack of knowledge according to the author, is one of the most dreadful spiritual diseases. You cannot rise above the level of what you know. He notes that you will not amount to anything serious with God without a good knowledge of Him.
He also adds that nothing can happen to you in the Christian faith above the level of your knowledge of the truth. Saying, “When the right key is used your result will surely come. Your devotion and zeal are not enough.”
The author also emphasizes that knowledge is an essential ingredient in achieving success in any area of life. He notes that success is not a matter of chance or luck, but it is a result of knowledge and diligence.
To achieve success, the author argues that a person must first have a good understanding of what they want to achieve and the necessary steps to get there.
Faith vs Mental Assent
On this subject, the author says that Faith is not the same as mental assent. He defines mental assent as knowing and agreeing that God is God, and the Bible is His word. But Faith, on the other hand, he says is of the heart.
With more emphasis, he notes that mental assent is of the head. While faith knows, agrees, and believes. And a person cannot believe with their head, but only with their heart.
The author believes, that to achieve success, you must have faith in your heart. You must believe in your ability to achieve what you desire.

The Bible as a Blueprint for Success
The author upholds the Bible as God’s blueprint of success for the whole of mankind. He says It is full of prescriptions that cannot fail. Saying, they will always work and produce the desired results, if correctly received and applied appropriately.
The author adds that the Bible is a universal spiritual law. It does not know places, geographical barriers, cultures, situations, and circumstances.
Also, according to him, the word of God has the power to transform lives and bring success. How? The author says that when the word of God concerning any subject enters you, God’s ability is released to take total control of that situation.
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Three Principles of Success
The principles for failure proof-success is clearly stated in the book of Joshua 1:8. It says: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
The author points to three principles that stand out from this passage. They are:
1) Speak the word,
2) Meditate on the word, and
3) Do the word.
Success, he says begins with loud talking of the word of God concerning your success. He defines confession as saying the same thing God has said about you. It means agreeing with God.
Secondly, the author says that for you to have the success you desire you must make time to meditate on the word. It is not enough to confess the word. Meditation enables you to get a full understanding of what God has said about you and grants you the ability to act on the word. He adds that It is in the process of meditation that the word takes root in you.
Thirdly, the author notes that success belongs to those who do the word. He emphasizes that a diligent application of gospel truth brings spectacular results.
He also believes that success is conditional. And using Deuteronomy 28:1, the author explains that the word “IF” stands out conspicuously. “IF,” he says, stands for conditionality. So there are conditions to fulfill if your success must manifest. And success never eludes those who do the word.
Guard Your Mind
The author describes the state of the mind as one of the most important factors that determine your success in life. Using the scripture in Proverbs 23:7, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” the author believes that the quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life.
Therefore, he recommends that you must guard your mind against negative thoughts, fear, doubt, and unbelief. He adds that you must constantly renew your mind with the word of God and meditate on positive and uplifting thoughts. This, the author says, will help you to maintain a positive attitude and a winning mentality.
You must also be careful about the kind of information you allow into your mind, the author notes. The media is full of negative news and images that can easily shape your perception of the world and yourself. He warns that you must choose carefully what you watch, read, and listen to, and focus on things that build you up and inspire you to be your best self.
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The Place of Wisdom, Discipline, and Hard Work
The author notes that If you must have good success, you must pass the wisdom test. It is indispensable. He says, “You cannot go too far without wisdom. It is so crucial that the Bible says it is the principal thing.”
He defines wisdom, as the ability to compute knowledge to lay hold on your desire. Wisdom helps you to know how to walk with God to bring your desire to pass.
He describes three ways you can get wisdom; first, he says, You get wisdom at salvation because Jesus has been made unto us wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30). Secondly You can get it by asking for it (James 1:5). Thirdly, you can get it through the laying on of hands.
On discipline, the author emphasizes that wisdom is the ability to know what to do in a specific situation, but discipline is the ability to bring or train yourself to do it.
He defines disciple as doing the right thing at the right time and at the rate it should be done. Discipline, he says is crucial to success. You must know what to do, and do it at the right time and the rate required.
Therefore, he recommends that you must train your body and mind to be subject to the discipline of the Spirit by the word of God.
Next is hard work. According to the author, the requirement for failure is laziness and idleness. Considering the examples of sportsmen, he says, “The more they train, the better they perform.”
You cannot be successful in any area of life if you are not hard-working. It is another factor of great significance, the author says. The combination of wisdom, discipline, and hardware he believes will cause an explosion in your life for good.
In conclusion, the author shares that success is not a matter of chance or luck. It is a product of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Therefore, you must cultivate a deep knowledge of God, meditate on His word, speak His promises, and guard your mind against negativity. He emphasizes that success belongs to those that do the word, and encourages you not to blame God for your failures but to take responsibility for your success by fulfilling the conditions required. When you do these things, he says, you position yourself for success and prosperity in every area of your life.
Finally, here is a question we’ll love you to answer.
How can you guard your mind against negative thoughts, and why is it important to do so according to the author?
We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.
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