Main Summary: In the book, How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God, Kenneth Hagin shares his thoughts on how Christians can be led by the Spirit of God. He believes that the leadings come from within one’s spirit, and the inward witness is the primary way that God leads His children.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post
1. Listening to the Spirit
2. The Ministry of the Prophet
3. The Inward Witness
4. Praying in Tongues
5. Developing Your Spirit
6. Condemnation
Listening to the Spirit
It requires learning to master the art of being led by the Spirit. The author believes that you must learn to let the new man on the inside dominate the flesh. By doing so, he believes that you can control your body and follow the leadings of the Spirit. He cites the example of the apostle Paul, who did not allow his body to dominate him but instead let the man on the inside, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, take control. The author emphasizes that you are the one who must do this; God and the Holy Spirit will not do it for you.

The Ministry of the Prophet
According to the author, the ministry of the New Testament prophet is to confirm what you already have in your spirits. You are not supposed to rely on the Ministry of the prophet to be led by the Spirit of God anymore. He also notes that to stand in the office of the prophet, one must first be a minister of the gospel, separated and called to the ministry with the call of God upon his life. Additionally, the prophet must have at least two of the revelation gifts: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, and the discerning of spirits, as well as the gift of prophecy, operating in his ministry.
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The Inward Witness
God leads us in a few different ways. However, according to the author, the primary way that God leads His children is through the inward witness. He explains that the more he prayed while thinking about something, the better he felt about it on the inside. This feeling was not a physical one but one in his spirit. He calls it the “velvety-like feeling” in one’s spirit, which is the green light or go-ahead signal to proceed. The author notes that the inward witness is just as supernatural as guidance through visions and other spectacular ways of guidance. He recommends that as a Christian you must learn to pay attention to this supernatural feeling, which is always present.
Praying in Tongues
Praying in tongues is a spiritual exercise that is very effective in building your spirit to discern the voice of God. The author states that most of the leadings he received came while he was praying in tongues. He believes that when you pray in tongues, your spirit becomes active, and you can hear from God more clearly. Praying in tongues, the author says allows you to communicate with God at a deeper level and helps you to understand His will for your life.
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Developing Your Spirit
You are absolutely responsible for developing your born-again spirit. The author emphasizes that the inward man, also known as the spirit man, has a voice, just like the outward man. He calls this voice of the inward man conscience or the still small voice. The Holy Spirit is living and abiding in your spirit, and your spirit can speak to you. The author teaches that your faith is of the spirit, and it will not work to its fullest until you learn to depend on the voice of the Holy Spirit within you. He admonishes that you learn to develop your spirit and have faith that your faith in God works. The author also listed four things you can do to develop your spirit. These are; meditating on the Word, practicing the Word, obeying the voice of your spirit promptly, and giving the Word first place in your life.
The author believes that the Holy Spirit does not condemn us if we do wrong as Christians. Instead, it is your conscience, the voice of your spirit, that condemns you. He cites the Epistle to the Romans, where Paul asks who condemns. Paul notes that it is not God who condemns but justifies. Therefore you must learn that it is your conscience that knows when you have done wrong, and the Holy Spirit is there to comfort and show you the way back.
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In conclusion, the author believes that you can be led by the Spirit of God by listening to the inward witness, developing their spirits, and crucifying the flesh. He emphasizes that the inward witness is just as supernatural as visions and other spectacular ways of guidance. You must therefore learn to pay attention to this supernatural feeling and depend on the Holy Spirit within you. The author believes that by following these teachings, you can learn to hear the voice of God.
Finally, here is a question we’ll love you to answer.
How do you balance relying on the inward witness versus seeking confirmation from others or external signs when making important decisions?
We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.
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