Christian Living

Posts on highly rated christian topics

I Proved You Can Be Free From Fear By John Corin [Summary]

“I Proved You Can Be Free From Fear” by John Corin is a book that tells the author’s story of how he overcame fear and anxiety. The book provides insights into the nature of fear, its effects, and how to identify and defeat it. It also highlights the spiritual aspect of fear and provides remedies based on 1 Timothy 1:7 to overcome fear. .

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. The Authors Story of Hope
2. Identifying The Enemy
3. Why Fear
4. Fear & it Effects
5. Overcoming Fear By the Word
6. Overcoming Fear Through The Warfare Mindset
7. Overcoming Fear By the Holy Spirit’s Power
8. Overcoming Fear By Love
9. Cultivating a Sound Mind

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I Proved You Can Be Free From Fear By John Corin [Summary] Read More »

HELLVEN by David Stanfield [Summary]

HELLVEN by David Stanfield challenges the belief of many Christians that by accepting Jesus, they have secured a one-way ticket to heaven. In the book he paints the portrait of a place called HELLVEN, where believers can live in sin and still enter heaven. He identified some key issues that plague Christians living in Hellven. And depicted divers solutions to living away from Hellven, emphasizing that with hard work and commitment to living a life dedicated to God, we can overcome Hellven’s inner struggles.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. “HELLVEN” in Perspective
2. Questioning Your Faith
3. Controlling Anger & Profanity
4. Worry! Worry! Worry!
5. Relationships & Forgiveness
6. Stress & Depression
7. Handling Grief & Addiction
8. Honesty & Integrity
9. Withnessing
10. Renouncing “HELLVEN”

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Training for Reigning by Rick Godwin [Summary]

Training for Reigning by Rick Godwin, emphasizes the importance of a Christian’s transition from need-oriented relationships to covenant relationships and then to reigning together. Through the author’s practical insights and biblical teachings, you will learn how to train for reigning with Jesus Christ. By meeting responsibilities, serving others, and being a witness to the power of God. Also you’ll learn how to develop godly character, handle success, and relationships with faithfulness.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. Training before Reigning
2. Learning to Handle Success
3. Handling Relationships with Faithfulness
4. Ruling Together

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Training for Reigning by Rick Godwin [Summary] Read More »

Effortless Change by Andrew Wommack [Summary]

Effortless Change by Andrew Wommack talks about the importance of God’s word in a believer’s life and how it can be used to overcome various struggles. It emphasizes the power of meditating on the Word and using it as a guide for making decisions and living a victorious life in Christ.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. It Begins From Within
2. The Word As an Incorruptible Seed
3. Meditation the Key
4. Using The Word to Achieve Effortless Change
5. Activating God’s Voice Within You
6. Overcoming Fear, Doubt & Unbelief By the Word
7. How to Engage the Promises of God’s Word
8. The Bane of Busyness To Changing by the Word

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Effortless Change by Andrew Wommack [Summary] Read More »

The Pursuit of God by A.W Tozer [Summary]

The pursuit of God by A.W Tozer reveals that God must first seek a person before they can seek Him. The book delves into the relationship between God and human beings, emphasizing the importance of personal experience and the continuous interchange of love and thought between God and the human spirit. The author also critiques modern interpretations of faith and the danger of losing God amid religious practices.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace
2. The Tyranny of Possessions & the Pain of Renunciation
3. Giving God His Place, ‘First Place’
4. The Reality of The Unseen Realm
5. How To Be Receptive To God’s Presence
6. The Pursuit to Hear His Voice
7. Embracing Faith in Pursuit of God
8. The Place of Meekness in the Pursuit of God
9. Living for The Glory of God

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The Pursuit of God by A.W Tozer [Summary] Read More »

Guidepost To Revival by Gbile Akanni [Summary]

Guidepost to Revival by Gbile Akanni talks about the pursuit of a spiritual revival and the importance of prompt obedience. The book addresses the potential pitfalls that can arise in the form of spoils and the attitudes of individuals toward them. The author also emphasizes the importance of not caging or turning the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into a denomination and the need to rebuild broken walls and produce people of unbroken communion with God.

Lessons You’ll Learn from This Post

1. The Urgency of Revival
2. The Ingredients of Revival
3. The Pursuit of Revival
4. The Labour of Revival
5. The Demand of Revival
6. The Spoils of Revival
7. The Peculiar Features of This Move of God

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Guidepost To Revival by Gbile Akanni [Summary] Read More »

Knowing God Through Fasting by Elmer Towns_pic poster_kingdom books review

Knowing God Through Fasting by Elmer Towns [Summary]

Knowing God Through Fasting by Elmer Towns is a must-read if you desire to grow in God. The book best explains what fasting is all about—knowing God. The author put together 10 chapters on different subjects, how to begin the process of fasting, and what you can expect from it. He also explained how you can sustain a life of fasting, through discipline, hunger, and a burning desire for God. To the end that you would know God Intimately.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. Emptying Yourself
2. Hunger For His Presence
3. Learning To Wait
4. Responding To His Call
5. How To Enjoy Fasting
6. Growth Through Knowing Him
7. The Discipline of Fasting
8. Resting Through Fasting

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Exploits of Faith By Bishop David Oyedepo_pic post

Exploits Of Faith By David Oyedepo [Summary]

Exploits of Faith by Bishop David Oyedepo is a book that uniquely breaks down the intricacies of a faith that works. It illuminates the various aspects of faith for a believer and how you can live out your God-intended life through faith that works.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

1. What is Faith
2. The Importance of Faith
3. The Faith fight
4. Source of faith and how to access it
5. Some Errors of faith
6. Proofs of faith
7. Steps to dealing with any situation in faith

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Exploits Of Faith By David Oyedepo [Summary] Read More »


The Laws of Healing by Peter Tan [Summary]

The Laws of Healing by Peter Tan is a very brief and at the same time, an elaborate piece on the provision of Grace for all God’s children to enjoy divine healing and health in God. He discussed the causes of sicknesses, our position in health in the old and new covenant, and how to enjoy this gift of God in the new covenant in Christ.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post

1. How sickness came about
2. Three standpoints of believers in respect to divine healing.
3. Healing in the Old and New Covenant
4. Appropriating Healing by Faith
5. Science and Faith in Healing
6. Avoiding The Shipwreck of faith
7. Two channels of receiving healing
8. The Gospel of Healing

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The Miracle of Seed Faith by Oral Robert_pic post

Miracle of Seed Faith By Oral Robert [Summary]

Miracle of Seed Faith by Oral Robert teaches three principles for giving and receiving. Using these three principles, the book explains how to depend on God as your source, giving to meet the needs of others, and expecting God’s miraculous interventions daily to meet your needs.

Lessons You’ll Learn from this Post

1. The three principles of Seed-Faith
2. How to use Seed-Faith to solve problems
3. Questions to ask yourself when the Seed-Faith principle doesn’t seem to work.

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Miracle of Seed Faith By Oral Robert [Summary] Read More »


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