interceding christian by kenneth hagin

Interceding Christian By Kenneth E. Hagin [Summary]

Main Summary: Interceding Christian by Kenneth E. Hagin explores the transformative power of prayer, focusing on biblical principles of intercession, breaking spiritual strongholds, and praying in partnership with the Holy Spirit. It emphasizes the believer’s role in spiritual warfare, emphasizing effective prayer that aligns with God’s will for personal and societal transformation.

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

  1. God’s First Call to Prayer – Intercession 
  2. Breaking Spiritual Strongholds
  3. Praying in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
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God’s First Call to Prayer – Intercession 

  • Although not observed by many, God demands that we intercede for leaders and those in authority before ourselves. This aligns with biblical teachings and can lead to a peaceful life (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
  • Therefore, prioritizing prayers for leaders over personal needs is what enhances the effectiveness of our prayers to God and also promotes societal peace and godliness.
  • God’s purpose for instructing us to intercede first for others is that it creates favorable conditions for spreading the gospel, political stability, and peace (1 Timothy 2:3-4).
  • Abraham’s example of intercession, where he persisted and made humble intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah, showcases the power of righteous prayer (Genesis 18:20-32).
  • If it must be effective, this kind of prayer requires humility and dependence on God (Genesis 18:27, James 4:8, 2 Chronicles 7:14).
  • Believers, as the salt of the earth, preserve society through our prayers, delaying judgment and providing opportunities for evangelism (Matthew 5:13). It is our responsibility.
  • The call to intercession by God is a great call, as it can alter the course of nations and prevent judgment, as God seeks intercessors to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30-31).
  • It is our responsibility as Christians to engage in spiritual warfare with God’s authority to counteract Satan’s temporary authority over the world through prayer, activating God’s intervention wherever we are. (2 Corinthians 4:4, Luke 4:5-7, James 4:2).
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Also read The Art of Intercession by Kenneth Hagin [Summary]

Breaking Spiritual Strongholds

  • Daniel’s prayer, which was heard on the first day, is an example of dealing with spiritual strongholds. However, the answer was delayed for 21 days due to spiritual resistance.
  • Daniel, on this occasion, fasted by abstaining from “pleasant bread,” illustrating that fasting doesn’t always mean total abstinence from food.
  • The prince of Persia, a spiritual being, withstood the angel sent with Daniel’s answer, exemplifying the concept of spiritual warfare.
  • Three heavens are mentioned in the Bible: God’s throne (heaven of heavens), the celestial heavens, and the atmospheric heaven where Satan rules.
  • Our wrestle as believers isn’t against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces in high places (Ephesians 6:12).
  • However, we have the authority to stand our ground and refuse to be dominated by Satan.
  • Earthly kingdoms are often influenced by invisible spiritual kingdoms, as seen with the prince and king of Tyrus in Ezekiel 28.
  • Our weapons of warfare are spiritual, not carnal, and are mighty through God to pull down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
  • Engaging in persistent and focused prayer can break spiritual strongholds. The key to spiritual breakthroughs is often the intercessor’s perseverance in prayer, not God or angels alone. Daniel’s persistent prayer was crucial for the angel to bring the answer.
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Also read How to Pray Effectively by Pst Chris Oyakhilome [Summary]

Praying in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

  • The Holy Spirit helps us pray effectively, especially when we don’t know what to pray for, as outlined in Romans 8:26-27.
  • Paul distinguishes between two kinds of prayer. Mental (understanding) and spiritual (Spirit-led) prayer. Praying in tongues is an example of the latter.
  • Mental prayer is limited by our knowledge, while spiritual prayer, led by the Holy Spirit, transcends our understanding and aligns with God’s will.
  • In intercession, the Holy Spirit helps us intercede for others through “groanings which cannot be uttered,” a deep, Spirit-led form of prayer that goes beyond ordinary speech.
  • This intense, Spirit-led intercession is likened to childbirth and is crucial for spiritual births and growth. Without it, conversions may be superficial.
  • Just as physical growth takes time, spiritual growth does too. Mature Christians must pray for the spiritual development of new believers to ensure they grow in Christ.
  • As believers, we must not shy away from the Holy Spirit’s promptings to groan or travail in prayer. This kind of prayer is essential for the true spiritual breakthroughs and lasting conversions that we desire to see.
  • The Holy Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses, including sickness, by taking hold together with us against these challenges, as long as we cooperate and stand in faith.
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Also read Rescued From Destruction by Faith Oyedepo [Summary]

In conclusion, here’s what to do now. You must continue to prioritize intercessory prayer for leaders and those in authority. Engage in spiritual warfare by relying on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in prayer, breaking strongholds, and advancing God’s kingdom through persistent, Spirit-led intercession.

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Finally, here is a question we’d love you to answer.

In what ways have you personally experienced the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your prayer life, especially in praying for others or in times of spiritual warfare?

We would love to hear from you, Please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.

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