The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni - feat image

The Dignity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni [Summary]

Main Summary: The Dignity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni addresses the divine responsibilities of men as leaders, husbands, fathers, and gatekeepers. It explores men’s spiritual, emotional, and practical roles in their homes, communities, and the church, emphasizing God’s design for headship, service, and spiritual stewardship.

The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni - book cover

Lessons You’ll Learn From This Post

  1. Man’s Role as Head 
  2. Man’s Privileges in God for the Home
  3. Your Roles as a Husband
  4. Your Roles as a Leader
  5. Your Roles as a Father
  6. Men at the Gates
quote 1 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Man’s Role as Head 

  • Christ is the head of man, man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:3).
  • As a man you should take instructions from Christ and pray without anger and doubt, fulfilling your role as a spiritual leader in your home.
  • Your agreement with your wife is essential for answered prayers, and you should act as her spiritual cover.
  • God holds you as the man accountable first in times of confusion and failure, expecting you to maintain your divine authority.
  • You must adhere to divine order, as disobeying God and taking misguided instructions can lead to a loss of standing with God.
  • Men and women are interdependent in the Lord, each with distinct but complementary roles under God’s authority.
  • Women should approach God with the covering of submission, respecting their husband’s headship.
  • As a head, to stand rightly before God, you must eliminate sin and hypocrisy, prioritizing spiritual integrity over financial provision.
  • Your spiritual leadership provides irreplaceable protection and guidance for your family.
  • You are to reflect God’s image and manifest His glory and character.

Also read:
Guidepost To Revival by Gbile Akanni [Summary]
Bible Sense For Getting Into Marriage By David Oyedepo [Summary]
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman [Summary]
The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian [Summary]
When Am I Ready by Kingsley Okonkwo [Summary]

quote 2 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

 Man’s Privileges in God for the Home

  • As a man you represent God’s glory and carry the authority to lead and guide.:
  • As the head your words are binding, and you are responsible for leading in vision, prayer, submission, and sacrifice.
  • As a woman, you should act under your husband’s spiritual authority and not independently.
  • As the head and leader of your home, you will be held accountable for hindering your wives’ spiritual growth and must be guided by support, not dominance.
  • The devil seeks to reverse the divine order by placing women ahead, leading to societal decay.
  • As the man you have the authority to ratify your wife’s prayers and vows; your spiritual position can nullify demonic vows.
  • You should be filled with grace, enabling your wife to draw from your spiritual fullness and minister effectively.
quote 3 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Your Roles as a Husband

  • As the husband, it’s your responsibility to spiritually guide and nurture your wife, taking her needs to God in prayer.:
  • You have authority over and are accountable for her actions and spiritual growth, it is your duty to ensure her alignment with God’s will.
  • You must provide emotional and spiritual support to your family, creating a nurturing space.
  • Through spiritual leadership, you should validate and support your wives’ visions and dreams.
  • You must actively participate in prayer and seek prophetic gifts for their families’ benefit.
  • You should lead your family with stability, boldness, and faith, avoiding indecisiveness and pettiness.
  • As a husband, you are responsible for sanctifying your wife through your words and actions.
  • Your involvement in church is crucial for leading your household spiritually.
  • You must learn to embody Christ’s character and love, especially when your wife falls short of expectations.
  • You have a divine responsibility to lead, cleanse, and sanctify their families, fulfilling God’s design for marriage.
quote 4 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Your Roles as a Leader

  • The fall disrupted the woman’s submission and established a pattern of women acting without the husband’s authority; as the man, you must restore and model true submission from your wife through selfless leadership.
  • It is God’s command to you to present Christ’s love to your wife through selfless sacrifice and sanctification, akin to Christ’s love for the Church.
  • Headship involves grave responsibility and service, not just status; it requires early rising and seeking direction for yourself and your family.
  • Genuine love comes from God and involves a sacrificial commitment to your wife’s welfare, independent of her behavior.
  • You must engage in intercessory prayer for your wives’ spiritual growth, following Christ’s model of sanctification.
  • Your daily actions should reflect commitment to the wife’s growth in grace, through prayer, study, and shared spiritual activities.:
  • You must provide physical, emotional, and intellectual nourishment, including proper care, appreciation, and mental support.
  • As a Husband, you should publicly cherish your wife with words of appreciation and involvement, showing pride and ownership.
  • Engage in spiritual retreats, conferences, and Bible studies together to foster growth and unity.
  • Ensure unity in spiritual practices and church attendance to avoid division and strengthen the marital bond.

Also read:
Guidepost To Revival by Gbile Akanni [Summary]
Bible Sense For Getting Into Marriage By David Oyedepo [Summary]
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman [Summary]
The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian [Summary]
When Am I Ready by Kingsley Okonkwo [Summary]

quote 5 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Your Roles as a Father

  • As a father, you are a protector, provider, and upholder, responsible for giving purpose, focus, sustenance, and preservation to your family. You play a key role in naming, blessing, and setting the destiny of his children.
  • As a father, you must be spiritually influential, imparting values and ideas to the next generation. You should be creative and innovative in guiding and nurturing your children.
  • You should be actively engaged in prayer and intercession for your children, bearing their needs and concerns in their “bosom” and seeking God’s guidance and provision.
  • Effective fathering involves consistent, thoughtful instructions and discipline. You should teach your children with patience and understanding, using practical illustrations and personal experiences to guide them.
  • As a father, you need to be present and available, creating opportunities for fellowship and communication. Building a close relationship through shared activities and spending time together is crucial for effective parenting.
  • Commandments and discipline should be fair, progressive, and beneficial to the children’s welfare. You must balance strength with compassion, maintaining integrity and following through on promises.
quote 6 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Men at the Gates

  • Gates are crucial entry points that protect and secure an inheritance. As the man, your role is to possess and guard these gates as per God’s purpose (Genesis 22:16-17).
  • In the context of the church, men are appointed as gatekeepers to protect the flock, ensuring the gates of the church are strong against the gates of hell (John 10).
  • Ministers should serve God, not their desires. A preacher’s effectiveness at the gate is critical for the church’s protection and growth.
  • Leaders are entrusted with the stewardship of God’s people and should view their role with seriousness and respect, avoiding criticism of fellow servants of God.
  • True leaders focus on service rather than titles. The emphasis should be on serving rather than seeking status.
  • The divine order is that Christ is the head of every man, man is the head of the woman, and the devil is beneath the woman. This order must be respected and restored in every area of life.
  • Leaders should not trust in riches but in God’s principles and the correct understanding of authority and service.
quote 7 from The disgnity of Manhood by Gbile Akanni

Now it’s time to reflect on your role as a man, husband, father, and leader. And commit to aligning your actions with God’s purpose, embracing responsibility, serving selflessly, and fostering spiritual growth in your family and community. Apply these principles to build a Christ-centered home and legacy.

Finally, here is a question we’d love you to answer.

Among the six areas of a man’s dignity discussed, which aspect do you feel you need to improve most to better serve your wife and family, and why?

We would love to hear from you, please leave your answer and comment in the comment box below.

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